Past Come Back to Life

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"Hm...your grip on the handle is pretty good. Um...oh don't put your finger to close to the top serrations...uh here." Felix came up behind you and put his arms around yours, showing you how to hold the combat knife properly. You didn't have that much experience with the particular weapon; well at least not compared to him.

You blushed the moment he put his arms around you and the second he touched your hand. The truth is, you missed much as you hated to admit it the moment he left, you did. He was really a sweet guy at heart.

"You got it?" He asked and you nodded. He took a step back and gave you your space. "Alright, go for it."

You smirked and threw the knife at the target which was just a poster of Tucker that you somehow found in his stuff. The weapon spun through the air and eventually pierced the poster, straight through the center Tucker's visor, exactly where you planned it to be.

"Oh! Nice!" Felix complimented walking up to you.

You smiled and Felix pulled out his pistol. He aimed at the poster and shot; the poster fell down just a few seconds after. You look to Felix, semi confused and a little uneasy.

"Why'd you do that?" You swallowed and you could feel the smirk beneath his helmet.

"Could you get the knife for me please?" He asked and you looked at him suspiciously but went for the knife anyways.

You walked towards the knife lodged in the wood, just as you were about to reach for it Felix fired. The bullet knocked out knife and you jumped, having a heart attack.

"Felix what the fuck?!" You yell and he laughs.

"Sorry, sorry. It's just...your adorable when you get scared." He chuckled and you folded your arms. "Alright, more favor though...stand in front of the wood and stay still."

Your eyes widened and you couldn't tell if he was serious or just trying to make you scared again.

"Wait...what?" You questioned, shocked. "Why do I-"

"Just do it...please?" He asked and you rolled your eyes.

You hesitantly took a step back so your back was against the large piece of wood. Felix drew out his combat knife and placed it on the table holding all the weapons. He laid out more knives and placed them all parallel to one another until they were lined up perfectly.

"W-what're you doing?" You stuttered, really concerned about what Felix was doing.

"Well I need to practice too." He said and you still couldn't tell if he was being serious or not.


"What? Do you not trust me?"He asked twirling the knife between his fingers.

You bit your lip as Felix threw the first knife. Just as it made contact with the board you shut your eyes in fear that he might accidently hit you. You open them back up and look down to realize the knife was right next to the left side of your hip; it was so close to making contact but luckily it didn't.

"Um Felix? I-I'm not too sure about this..." You say, your voice super shaky.

"Sweetheart you'll be okay, I promise...just close your eyes." He reassured and did as you were told.

With every knife he threw, you flinched every time. He threw about six in total. Each as frightening as the last.

You opened your eyes and immediately stepped away from the target. You turned back and saw how close the knives were to hitting you. Literally just a millimeter away from making contact.

Hidden Soldier: A Red vs Blue FanFic [FelixxReader]Where stories live. Discover now