To much work for a supply run

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Delilah's out fit ^^

We just entered the city Glenn taking point followed by Tdog Glenn carrying a baseball bat , t dog had a pipe. Next was Jacque, and Andrea in the middle with bags following up the rear was Morales with with a cricket bat, Merle with his hunting rifle but instead of using that he is using his buck knife while I brought up the rear much to the red necks dismay. I kept my bow up ready to fire as we crept through the alley ways and side streets. I here Jacque yelp and saw a walker grab hold of her foot I shot it's head. Everyone looks at me shocked how accurate my shooting was dispite just getting the weapon.

"Hey girlscouts may grow up but the girlscout is still there ," I put up three fingers ," scouts honor," I whisper.

         Merle shakes his head while the others breath a chuckle. Before going back to being serious and walking ahead. I grab my arrow feeling a smirk on my face. Girlscouts shit I remember I always got into trouble there. Did everything I could to piss off my leader yet she loved me. For some damned reason that woman seemed to understand my rebellious behavior and made fun out of it.  Her name was Jenna or miss Jenna to all the other girls. I called her my mom cause well she was what I wanted my mom to be. Bright, caring, fun, and gave a shit but don't take any. I wonder if she's alive?

"Wha's goin' on in the pretty lil' head of yours kid," Merle asks snapping me out of my trance.

"Nothin' just wonderin' if my girlscout leader is still alive," I said quietly.

"I thought that was bullshit?"

"Nah if anythin' that's as close to the truth 'bout my life as anyone can get," I say. It's true my whole life from 10 to 17 I was with Jenna or I was in the wood practicing my girlscout newest survival skill.

"Alright, Delilah since you have the quiet more lethal weapon, I want you to take that department store over there the rest of us," Glenn whispers.

"Why me? Isn't one store enough?" I ask.

"Because Delilah your the fastest quietest person here," HOW!? ," plus it may have more stuff," he said.

"At least let one of us go with her," Andrea says.

"I'll go wit' 'er," Merle offered.

"No I need all the man power. Andrea for extra eyes and Merle for help incase we get into trouble," Glenn says. I growl stomping away rather loudly I hear a groan next to me and take out my machete I ha on my hip and slice the head off the walker.

"Shut the fuck up," I growl going towards the building.

"We need more stuff he said your the fastest of us he said" I growl stuffing ammo into my bag. Glenn put me in a separate building damn asshole. God he pisses me off sometimes."what the fuck am I here for? Bait? Fucking A,"   I suddenly here gun shots and I sigh putting a pack on my back" who the flyin' fuck is there an idiot shootin'," I growl as I was about to leave.  I see a bag of guns surrounded by walkers. I look down I'm already cover in their shit already from clearing out the store so I think I could get through. I make my way to the bag slowly limping. I think I'm holding my breath. I grab the bag and ooh a sheriffs hat!! I grab that and make my way to the department store. Then a shot was fire and a walker went down. I look up and see merle standing there with his rifle. I limp faster as he shot more of the fuckers down finally I get to an alley way that's when the shots stopped. I climb a later and made my way to the top of the building. I sigh looking over I see a pipe that leads to the other side of the building. I step
on it and made my over keeping my arms out.

"Way to damn high," I mumble as I get to the apartment building. After planting my  feet on the solid ground before hearing Merle yelling. I run over and see him beating the shit out of T. I run over to him drag him off he tries to punch me I duck and throw a good right hook into his stomach. He hunches over.

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