Part 4: When you're sick

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Dan: You shivered and your body ached all over. This was the first time you were sick since your childhood, and it really hit you hard. As you were scrolling through your Tumblr dash on your phone, you felt that gross, infamous feeling in the pit of your stomach. That one you get before you vomit.

You quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the toilet as fast as your weak legs could carry you. You barely made it before you fell to your knees and started violently throwing up. (A/N sorry for being so graphic with this one o.O) The burning feeling in your throat and the sweat running down your face made you feel miserable. This literally could not get any worse for you.

In the middle of your barfing fest, you heard the door creak open. You didn't bother to look up as you were in way too much pain to even care to know who it was. Suddenly you felt your hair being pulled from the side of your face. You instantly knew it was Dan because of the smell of his clothes.

"I'm dying. I just know it." Your voice was weak. He laughed softly and rubbed your back.

"Now you know I wouldn't let that happen." You felt a bit better already just by having him with you.

After the puking stopped, you fell into Dan, who was still behind you. You could tell he was grossed out.

"I'm sorry Dan. You didn't have to be in here with me. I would've been fine."

"There's no need to apologize (Y/N), you can't help it. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I wasn't?" He leaned down and kissed your forehead.

"You are burning up. Come on. You need to rest."

He carried you bridal style back to your bedroom. You guys watched movies all day and he gave you whatever you needed so you could get better.

Phil: You tried walking back to your bed, tripping over a few empty tissue boxes on your way. You've been constantly blowing your nose and coughing all day. It was even hard to drink fluids because your throat was hurting so badly

While watching some documentary on the BBC, you heard the door of your flat creak open. Frightened, you grabbed the hammer you kept under your bed for situations just like this. With your messy hair and your blanket wrapped around your body, you stumbled down the corridor and into the main room. You held the hammer up ready to strike, but you didn't see anyone. Your heart started pounding, and your legs were shaking.

Suddenly, you felt a pair of arms slide around your body. Without a second thought, you swung the hammer and hit them in the thigh, quite hard.


You recognized the yelp as none other than your boyfriend, Phil. Regretting what you had just done, you turned around and seen him kneeling in pain.

"Oh my God. Phil I'm sorry."

"What the hell Y/N, I was just trying to surprise you by making you soup."

"You scared the shit out of me. I'm really sorry." You engulfed him in a hug.

"Oh, you know I can't stay mad at you." He tried pecking you on the lips, but you stopped him.

"No. You'll get sick too. Then I'll be the one making you soup." You smiled at him.

He pouted for a moment, but then quickly leaned in and pecked your lips.

"Phil! What if you get sick now?"

"At least I'll be stuck with you." He gave the dorkiest smile you've ever seen from him. It was cute.

"Phil, you're so cheesy it's not even funny."

He laughed and picked you up and carried you back to your room, limping from where you hit him. You guys watched YouTube videos for the rest of the day.

He did get sick a few days later, but you didn't mind taking care of him. You got to spend time with him, and that's all that mattered to you.

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