Part 16: Your (ex) Boyfriend Abuses You (Dan)

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Trigger Warning: Domestic violence mention

Dan: You ran out of your flat, your face scratched up and your fresh black eye pounding. Your boyfriend had gotten drunk and beat you mercilessly. The freezing night wind stung your tear stained face as you thought of where you could go.

You instantly thought of your best friend, Dan. He didn't live far from you, and you trusted him with your life.

You moved your weak legs as fast as you could, clumsily bumping into a rubbish bin down the street. The only sounds you could hear were the sound of your own sobbing and heavy breathing.

After what seemed like forever, you finally reached Dan's door. You had saw that all of his lights were off, so you were hesitant to knock, but you did anyways. Hopefully he would understand.

You shook from fear and your lip quivered. It seemed like a million years before a half-asleep and shirtless Dan answered the door. It took him a few seconds before he notice your traumatized state.

"(Y/N), what the bloody hell happened?" He flipped his "hobbit hair" out of his face.

"M-my boyfriend g-got drunk and b-beat m-me."

You began sobbing even harder than you were before. Dan pulled you to his side and helped you to the sofa. He sat down next to you and attempted to dry your tears with his thumb, but you flinched away in pain because of the scratches on your face.

"What a fucking prick. Let's fix your poor face."

He went out of the room, only to come back a few seconds later with a cold washcloth and a pack of ice. He ran the washcloth over the cuts on your face. It stung badly, and you tried to pull away, but Dan continued cleaning your wounds.

"I know, love. I'm sorry." You had honestly felt better already just by being around him.

He then handed you the ice pack, which he instructed you to put over your eye. You listened to him.

He got up and picked you up bridal style. He carried you to his bed and covered you with blankets. You were as warm as you've been all night. "Get some rest, okay? I promise we'll take care of this in the morning when he isn't violent." He then started walking out of the room.

"Where are you going?"

"The living room. I'm letting you have my bed." A wave a guilt instantly flew over you. You hadn't intended for Dan to do this for you. You just wanted emotional support.

"Please stay with me. I'm honestly terrified after what happened." You sat up in bed and looked at him.

He gave you a side smile, which you could barely make out in the dark. Without another word, he crawled into bed next to you. It felt awkward for a few minutes, but to break the tension, you layed your head on his bare chest.

A warm and fuzzy feeling entered the pit of your stomach as you inhaled his scent. You were instantly relaxed, and the majority of the pain had disappeared.

Dan put his arm around your upper body and pulled you closer to him. He rubbed soothing motions into your back, and rested his chin on top of your head.

At first you felt guilty since you were technically still in a relationship, but you told yourself there was nothing to be guilty about. You were breaking up with him anyways.

You and Dan had finally fallen asleep peacefully, cuddled into each other like you've loved each other forever.

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