Part 7: You're Depressed

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Dan: You sat on your bed scrolling through Instagram. All was well until you scrolled past a few pictures that Dan had taken with a few fans. The girls were perfect. They were thin and beautiful. You stared at the pictures and a wave of sadness flew over you. You thought Dan could do better than you, and it depressed you. In a fit of rage, you threw your phone across your bed, and buried your face in your pillow. The wetness of your tears stained your face, and your nose started running as you continued to sob.

"Y/N, I've got tea for us!" You heard him coming toward your room. You quickly lifted your face and dried it with the sleeves of your shirt.

"It's peppermint, your favourite!" Dan walked through the door, with two cups of tea in hand. You tried turning your head so he didn't see your red face, but it was too late.

"Y/N...have you been crying?" He asked you, putting the tea on your nightstand.

"No." You lied, but being the emotional person you are, you started crying again.

Dan sat next to you and put his arm around you. He pulled you close. "Why?" He asked and said nothing else.

You felt your throat tighten, and it was hard to speak.

"Dan..." You stopped in the middle of your sentence. You looked down at the floor. "Why do you love me?"

Dan had a confused look on his face. He didn't know what to say. He ran his thumb across your face to dry the fresh tears. "What on earth are you talking about?"

You went across the room and grabbed your phone, which was lying on the floor. You went to the picture that made you upset.

"I guess I'm asking why are you dating me when you could do so much better."

Dan stared into your eyes for a few short moments before answering.

"(Y/N), you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Not only that, but you're the sweetest girl I've ever met. When I first met you I knew you were the only one for me. There's no one else that could take your place."

He wrapped you in a hug that lasted at least 45 seconds. By then you had stopped crying, and you felt warm in his embrace.

He grabbed his phone and opened up the camera app. He then leaned over and touched his soft lips to yours, taking a picture while doing so. He posted the picture on Instagram, but wouldn't let you see it.

You guys chatted and drank tea for a bit, and you eventually forgot about the picture he posted. Later that night before bed, you scrolled through Instagram once again, to be greeted by the picture Dan posted that you forgot about. It was the picture of you two kissing, and the caption read:

To the best gf in the world, and the only one for me: I love you. Forever and ever<3

Phil: You woke up to the sun shining through your window and the birds making noise outside. You felt fine until you remembered what day it was. It was the 1 year anniversary of your father's death.

You were close to him. You did everything together. He was there for you when you won your first football game as a child, and he gave you his "magical kisses" when you were hurt. He had even planned to give you away at your wedding.

A year ago today, your father got extremely ill. Doctors had no idea what was wrong with him. You remember sitting by his hospital bed, and him telling you that he loved you one last time before he passed on.

The memories eventually became too much, and you started crying. You tried being quiet, as your fiancé Phil was next to you, still fast asleep. Eventually the sobbing got louder, and you couldn't help but to wake him up.
Phil looked over at you, and noticed your distress.

He didn't say a word. He didn't have to. He knew exactly why you were crying. You felt his arm being wrapped around your body. He eventually pulled you onto him completely, and allowed you sob for a full half hour.

You cried until you had no tears left. Your head was lying on Phil's chest, which was moving rhythmically with every breath he took. He finally spoke up.

"Your father is so proud of you, (Y/N). He's smiling down upon you from Heaven, I know it."

His words made you feel better. You knew your father was no longer in pain.

"I'm just sad he won't be giving me away like we had planned." You sniffled.

"Of course he will. We won't be able to physically see him, but I promise he will be present, and walking with you every step of the way."

Your heart fluttered at the thought of your future together with Phil. It made you happy.

You pecked Phil on the lips.

"I love you, my lion." He smiled.

"I love you too."

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