I. Thorne Gets His Sight Back

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"And...there. That should do it," Cress said as she dripped the last dose of Thorne's eyedrops into his eyes for the day. "Can you see anything at all? Colors? Or is everything spotty?" Cress nervously asked Thorne as she helped him sit up. Thorne blinked a few times before responding.
"I can't tell at the moment," Thorne said after a few seconds of blinking and squinting. "Maybe in the morning I'll see something. Speaking of morning, if you don't mind-I'd like to get my well-needed beauty sleep. I may be blind, but that doesn't mean other people can't see me." Cress smiled as she helped her lover up from the living room chair. She placed one of his hands on her shoulder, and-gripping his free hand-lead him to his room.
"Aces, Cress. What would I do without you?" Thorne smiled as he laid down in bed and pulled his covers up to his elbows. He smiled up at Cress, and she took his hand before answering.
"Probably knock everything over trying to get anywhere on this ship." Cress said, unable to contain her giggles. Thorne laughed with her.
"I can see my sense of humor is rubbing off on you. Good." Thorne said as he relaxed his head on the pillow.
"Goodnight, Captain." Cress said as she leaned down and kissed Thorne on the cheek.
"Goodnight, Cress."


Thorne woke up the next morning to a throbbing headache. Why was everything so bright? Where was he? He could see chrome walls, a bed, a door and-
He could see.
Thorne excitedly sat up and waved his hands and fingers in front of his face. He recognized his old sleeping room in the Rampion. He quickly looked at where his mirror was. Cress certainly did a good job of keepin his hair beautiful. Thorne never would have thought you could ever be this excited about seeing a door. In fact, the door got even better when the door quietly opened and Cress poked her head in.
"Good morning Captain," Cress whispered. "How did you sleep?" Thorne looked over at where Cress was standing and-before he could stop himself-his jaw dropped. She was more beautiful than he remembered. The only difference was that instead of a few thousand feet of hair, Cress' yellow locks were raggedly cut sort of at shoulder length. In his defense, he had been blind. Cress's eyes widened in sudden fear. "Thorne? Are you okay-"
Her sentence was cut short by Thorne getting up from his bed on his own, and in three careless strides, swept Cress up in his arms and passionately kissed her. When the couple broke apart, Cress opened her big blue eyes and met Thorne's blue eyes.
"I'll take that as a yes." Cress gasped as she smiled up at him. Thorne quietly laughed as he lifted her up again, but this time to embrace her.
"I can't thank you enough, Cress. For helping me throughout all of this. I-" Thorne took a slow, deep breath before he truly opened his eyes to the woman at that moment he truly realized he loved.
"I love you."
Cress' smile was the most priceless and most beautiful thing Thorne had ever seen in his life-and he had been to an All You Can Eat buffet with free macaroni and cheese. Cress' face topped that by a million. Cress stood on her tiptoes and Thorne realized a second too late she was trying to kiss him. After sheepishly laughing at himself, he hoisted Cress up and met his mouth with hers.
"I love you too, Captain," Cress said. "From Luna to Earth and back again infinity times."
"As do I."

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