2. B*tch, Move!

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So in the beginning of the week, Mr Healy, my councillor,  told me that he's going to put me in electrical. I told him I didn't know anything about electrical stuff and asked if there was anything else I could do. But of course being in prison, you don't exactly get the freedom of choice. So off to electrical I went....  

I walked in and saw Piper and Nicky. I smiled at them and Nicky cheered " eyy look who crawled into the phenomenal world of electrical!" she laughed, so I laughed too. Then the officer called, "Newt, come here". I looked around confused at  who 'newt' was. Piper looked at me and said "that's you". "oh" I replied, whilst trying to figure out why I was being called a newt. Anyway, the officer told me what I was supposed to do, which was to "read and fix things" and then he showed me how to get tools out, which seemed pretty simple. He gave me a book which was in a different language and told me to "read and fix". It was as if he was a 5 year old with his vague instructions. Once he finished his simple sentences, I went to sit opposite Piper and stared at the toaster that I'm supposed to fix. I looked up at Piper, who was trying to fix a lamp, then I turned to look at Nicky, who was drilling a hole in the wall. I was confused by what she was doing, so I whispered to Piper "Hey Piper, what's Nicky doing?". Piper looked up at me, then looked at Nicky. She smiled and looked back at me, then whispered "I don't even know any more." We both smiled and then continued to fix our broken objects.


By mid-week  I realised that I wasn't getting anywhere with the broken toaster, and was starting to get annoyed. The guide book on how to fix it was not much help -  especially as it was in Chinese. I learnt French and German in school, but not Chinese. I actually think I've broken it even more now, instead of mending it. Whoops.

At about 4.30 it was dinner. So off to the canteen I went. I thought I'd go alone in order to just breathe and, well, sometimes you just need to be alone.  I lined up, and got the usual goo for dinner. It was starting to feel like a regular habit. The whole, get excited for dinner, line up, then remember this is prison and the food is some gross shit. It's always a disappointment. Anyway, I went to the furthest table, deserted from everyone. I played with the so-called food for a minute or two, until I was stopped. 

Some woman slammed her tray right next to me. It made me jump, and I slowly turned to look at her and took a big swallow.  She looked angry. "Bitch, move!" she hissed in my ear. I decided to stand my ground, because I was not in a good mood and didn't want to be forced to go, especially when I don't have to, so I simply said "No".

"What did you say..." 

At this point I knew this woman was not going to be easy on me. Her whole 'tribe' where now behind her and each and every one of them looked ready to kill me. 

I replied "Why do I have to move when there are other table free, where you can sit..." At this point, I probably should have gotten up and just moved, but at that moment I was pissed that these woman who wanted to sit specifically where I was, when they could have sat on the table behind me which was also free.

"Bitch, you tryin to argue with me?!" said the leader of the clan. The rest who were behind now moved all around me, trapping me from any escape.

"Please, I don't want to fight, but there are other free tables where you can sit."

"But this is our table" whispered one woman next to me.
"So move!" said another swiftly.

They then got my plate and slowly tipped it all over me.

"ahhh, did you have to do that..." I quickly stood up observing the goo on my clothes. 

Then, out of no where, one of the women pushed me. Now I'm not typically someone who get angry and starts fights, but these woman really pushed my buttons and so I turned to the woman who pushed me and did the same back, but slightly harder for revenge. This then triggered the other women the start pushing and punching me until the officers came and broke us up. I was now being held back by a male officer, and as I tried to escape his hold, I looked up and saw Alex and Nicky stood at the doorway. Nicky was smiling and Alex just looked at me, almost confused. I took a deep breathe as a few of the women where sent down to shu, and then I was told to leave the canteen immediately. I was still quite angry inside and frowned as I left. I tried to avoid eye contact with Alex and Nicky as I walked past. Neither said nothing, but I felt their looks. I wondered if they would still like me after seeing what happened...

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