3. The Aftermath

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After yesterday's incident, I was called into Mr Healy's office. I knocked lightly on the door and without saying a word Mr Healy said with a stern voice "Come in and close the door...take a seat." I sat down as he was filling in paperwork and anticipated on what he was going to say. After a very long minute of silence, he looked up at me and asked "So, what happened yesterday?" I took a deep breath and explained my side of the story. After some further questions and trying to convince him that I was not in the wrong, I managed, by the skin of my teeth, to escape being sent down to Shu. That was a big relief.


Just before lunch, Alex and I were told that we are moving to the dorms. At this point, I had not spoken to Alex or Nicky since yesterday's 'events'. I didn't know what to say to them, so I did what I do best and avoided them. But when an officer came to take us to our dorm, he thankfully put Alex at the front, in the first cube and I was placed at the back. When I turned to see who I was sharing a cube with, I froze. It was Nicky. She stopped fidgeting in her cupboard and looked straight at me. After staring at each other for a few seconds she asked, "You coming in or what?" I stood there slowly nodding and then strolled steadily to the empty bed. I plonked my stuff at the end of my bed and sat next to it, staring aimlessly. I starting to wonder about what I should say to Nicky, or if I should say anything at all.

"You ok Versini?"

I was bought back to reality. Nicky looked at me as though I had 'Stupid' written on my forehead. As of a reply, I decided to simply nod.

"What's wrong with you, cat got your tongue? ... Do you wanna talk about it?"

As my eyebrows jumped, I was curious of what she meant. Did she want to talk about the awkwardness that was now thick in the air? Or did she want to talk about yesterday incident?

"Talk about what?" I asked innocently.

"You know, about what happened yesterday, at dinner - it's obviously bothering you"

"Oh... erm... ok..." I didn't know quite what to say, but after some thought, I just told her the truth.

"Wow... didn't know you had it in you Versini!" She seem impressed.

"Yeah, neither did I" I said amusedly.


I decided to miss dinner because I was still avoiding Alex. I just didn't know what to say to her. So for dinner I went outside. There was an old tree with a low enough branch to climb on. So up I climbed and sat on a solid part. I must have sat there for hours because I watch the sun slowly fall, and when it was right on the edge of the horizon, the sky converted to the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. By now, most of the clouds scattered away, and the blueness of the sky turned into a warm pinky orangey colour. For a moment or two, I felt as though I wasn't in prison, but somewhere peaceful. 

"Beautiful isn't it" a familiar voice said.

I slowly turned to see Alex standing behind me. I nodded and smiled whilst looking back at the sky. 

"Mind if I come up there" she asked.

I shook my head and watched her as she climbed up. When she sat next to me, I looked back at the beautiful sky and she looked right at me. 

"Everyone's been asking about you, they were worried you ran away"

"Ha, I wish" I sighed, hoping that was true.

After a few minutes of silence Alex finally asked "Jade, have you been avoiding me?"

I couldn't look at her, so whilst staring at the sunset I shook my head and softly said "no".

"...You're a bad lier" she laughed.

Damn, she saw right though me. I smiled and looked at her for a second.

"So, tell me, what's up"

I didn't know what to say, but I just wanted to know one thing, "Are you mad at me?"

"No, why do you say that" she asked.

"I don't know... it just seemed like you were mad yesterday when you saw me in the canteen."

"*laughs* no I wasn't mad, just a bit surprised, that's all"

"I'm not usually like that, I was just having a bad day."

"Don't worry, it happens to all of us"

We smiled at each other. Then she asked the question I knew was coming "So, what actually happened?"

I laughed and told her the whole story. We then sat there, watching the rest of the sunset. Then, unexpectedly, Alex slowly placed her hand on mine. I looked at her and she smiled. I then turned my hand around and held hers. She leaned in towards me, so I did the same. We were so close, until a male voice shouted "HEY!" We both jumped and turned around to see officer Luschek.
"Shit" we whispered simultaneously.

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