5. Flashback

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Back in the day, I was quite a reserved girl with a quiet mind. Still am sometimes. Except, at times, my mind can snowball with thoughts. Even when my mind is screaming, I can act all peaceful on the outside. I had a friend who was very similar to me. But when his thought got too much, he did something I never could.

His name was David. I worked with him in the office. He was a great mate and we understood each other like no one else could. I don't know what it was, but we just connected. I worked with David for about 5 years, so we were good friends for a long time. I knew all his secrets and he knew mine. David was a very private person, he didn't like people knowing what he did. Except me. I knew his dark secret, and I tried so hard to help him get over his demons. But one day, it all got too much.

It all happened so quickly. David secretly did drugs, I don't know what kind, but I do know that one day he took a bit too much. I went to visit him after work one day because he didn't come in. I wanted to make sure he was ok. When I got to his flat I knocked the door. He didn't have a doorbell because he hated the sound of them. So I knocked. He didn't open the door. I assumed he just wanted to be alone, but I was determined to wait until I knew he was ok. I kept knocking. Still no reply. I called his name, and spoke through the door.
"David, are you in there? It's just me, Jade. I just want to know if you're ok. Please just open the door! Davidd!!"
As the minutes went by, my heart started beating faster and faster. I had a bad feeling. A very had feeling. I called his mobile a couple of times and after no reply, I decided to knock down the door. I know he would kill me a if he was just in bed this whole time and saw that I broke his door for no reason. But my mind was screaming, "get in, get in now, something bad has happened, quick!"

After a couple of pushes and kicks, I managed to finally knock down the door. I ran in screaming "David, David where are..." Before I could even finish my sentence I saw him. Lying on the floor. Lifeless. He was still in his pyjamas and his skin looked so blue. I ran to him, knelt down besides him and lifted his head onto my lap. Tears started to pour down my face and I couldn't believe it. I took his pulse just to be sure, and he was. He was gone. I sat there with him, hugging him and cried my eyes out all night.

I looked at the small digital clock he had on the side table. It was 3.27am. I took a big deep breath. There was a woollen blanket on his couch, which I grabbed and covered his cold body in. As I was covering him, I saw the drugs under his hand. I took them and hid them in my bag. I know David wouldn't have wanted anyone to know that he passed away from drugs. No one even knew he did them, so having that as a cause of his death would have disappointed a lot of people he knew. He didn't want that.That was just our secret. So to keep it that way, I searched his tiny flat for any more drugs and hid them in my purse. I thought it'll be best if I just throw them into the river near where I live. Therefore, our secret can be forgotten forever.

Once his flat was clear, I was ready to call the police to report his death. Within a couple if minutes they arrived and took his body away.

I went home and tried to go to bed. But I couldn't sleep, all I could think about was David. I just kept wishing that I could phone him. Then I thought, why didn't I just phone him during the day to check up on him. I know I was busy, but that was no excuse. I could have saved him.


In the morning, I just went to work as normal and kept a brave face on. I sat at my desk and looked over to David's desk behind me. It hit me again, he's gone. I will probably never see or speak to him again. I got up and was about to leave because it was getting too much. As I neared the door, a male and female officer approached me and asked to speak to me regarding David's death. I told them I didn't feel like talking today, but I don't think they really cared. So we went into the meeting room and they asked me a couple of question. I explained what happened, of course leaving the drugs bit out, and hoped they believed me. As a 'routine check' they had to search me. They looked though my desk, pat me down, then went to get my bag. I quickly remembered that I didn't throw away David's drugs the night before, and they were still in my purse. My heart was beating so fast, I was starting to struggle breathing. I told myself "QUICK, distract them, get the bag away from them!! anything, do anythingg! Noww!" I couldn't think of a way to distract them. And now it was too late anyway. The female officer pulled the drugs out of my bag and looked at me with such disgust on her face. I took a big swallow and lightly shook my head. That's it I'm done. I whispered to the officer that those drugs weren't mine. She didn't believe me and grabbed my hands, tied them behind my back and pushed me out the office. I kept repeating myself, "They're not mine, I swear, please believe me, they're not mine!" She didn't care, and kept telling me to shut up. Everyone in the office was by now looking and pointing at me. Some even have their camera's out! This day just kept on getting worse and worse.


At the court, my lawyer told me to plead guilty because if I did, my sentence would be much shorter than if the jury were to plead me guilty. I didn't want to take that chance, I didn't even want to go to prison, but here I was, standing in court, now pleading guilty. The judge gave me two years. TWO YEARS! I thought that was a bloody lot, but my stupid lawyer convinced me that "It will get better" and joked "if you behave, you can leave prison early". I wanted to punch him so bad, but I thought I better not, just in case the judge sees and increases my sentence. That would be the worst.


So here I am. Now, in jail, for forgetting to throw away my friend's drugs. I pleaded guilty for something I didn't do, but still, I kept his promise. Isn't that what friends are for?


Chapter 6 is coming soon :) Please let me know what you think so far.If you would like something to happen or have in mind what you would like to happen next, all ideas are welcomed - just leave a comment below or leave me a message. Comment, like, follow - Peace :D

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