4. Thank God for that

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The next morning I woke up worried about the night before. Was officer Luschek going to tell on us? Were we in trouble? I had really hoped not.

On the way to breakfast I saw Alex. She stopped me in the corridor and asked if I was alright.
"Yeah, I'm fine" I lied.
"Oh, by the way don't worry about Luschek, I spoke to him and sorted it out - you're off the hook kid."
I looked at her stunned. Could she read my mind? Or was it so obvious that I was worried? Either way it was a relief to know that we weren't in trouble.

"So, I have an idea..." Alex said mysteriously.

I looked at her intrigued.

"Come with me..." she whispered.

I stood there for a minute, frozen. She brushed past me and I slowly turned to see where she was going. She looked back and mouthed "Come". As Alex continued to walk, I looked around to see if anyone was looking. There was no one. When Alex walked past the double doors I thought it'll be best to follow her. She was about a metre in front of me when she looked over her shoulder and reached her hand out. As she smiled, I got more and more suspicious of what she was up to. I took her hand and led me to the Chapel.

"What are we doing here?...I mean I know I struggle sometimes, but I don't think praying right now would make much of a difference"

Alex smiled and replied "We're not here to pray silly"

"Thank God for that - no pun intended... So, what are we doing here?"

"Shut up" Alex whispered. She grab my body and pull me towards her, then raised one hand to my cheek as she leaned in to kissed me.  After a short kiss, I pulled back.

"Woah... do you really want to do this, we almost got in trouble last time"

"Don't worry no one is going to see us here, it's free for another hour" Alex went in for a second time.

I was sure we were going to get caught, but Alex was so hard to resist.

After what seemed only like five minutes, we heard people chatting at a distance. We stopped abruptly, took a step back from each other and waited a millisecond before Piper and Nicky walked in. Alex took another step back. Nicky interrupted Piper, who was speaking to her as they walked in, and said in a flamboyant manner "Oh, look whose praying to the lord!" With her eyes wide open, intrigued with the presence of Alex and I, Nicky raised her eyebrows wondering if we were going to give her an explanation as to what we were doing. Piper interrupted the awkward silence that was now present and blatantly ask us "What are you two doing here?" I looked to Alex with the hope that she'd have a good excuse. Alex looked at me, with the same reason, and I started to panic.

"Well,.... Alex was... erm... reminding of where the chapel was, and... "

"and I was telling her a few stories that happened here." Alex thankfully recovered my sentence.

Nicky hummed "Mm-Hmm" and bounced her eyes between Alex and I. She smiled as though she knew a secret, one which I had hope she would not say this very minute. Piper, on the other hand, was unsure. She asked Alex if she could talk to her outside and so they left without a minutes thought. As soon as Alex walked out the door, I slowly moved my eyes to Nicky. She was still staring at me. She had a look on her face, the kind of expression one has when they want to know what you know. This was my cue to leave.

"So, um... I'm going to get some breakfast." I was about to walk off, then Nicky grabbed my arm. "Did you do what I think you did, you know with Alex?" I looked at her with my best confused face and replied "I don't know what you think happened, but I'm going to say no" Nicky smiled as though she knew and released my arm. I started to walk, picking up pace as I neared the door. "I WON'T TELL DON'T WORRY" She shouted as I past the doors.

I stopped for a minute just to take a deep breath, everything was going to be fine, just fine. As I took a minute, I started to hear bickering. It was coming from the outside doors. I could hear Piper's voice, but couldn't make out what she was saying. Alex kept apologising and was telling Piper that she loved her. I stood there with disbelief. Where they a couple? Did I ruin their relationship? I felt like running away but I was too scared of them hearing me. So I tip-toed the opposite way. Morello came from around the corner and looked at me worriedly.

"Are you ok?" she said, confused as to what I was doing.

I quickly stood up normally and replied "Yeah, I'm alright, just erm... practising tightrope walking"

"Oh you do tight-roping?"

"No," I was stunned that she believed me, but decided just to go along with it "but why not start now, you know, could be a new hobby"

"Right...ok then, good for you" I think even she was lost for words. "So, um, have you seen Nicky anywhere?"

"Yeah she was in the Chapel"

"Thank you, and good luck with your tight-roping"

"Yeah... Thanks" I smiled, almost embarrassed with the shit lie I just made.

I looked back to see Morello walk through the doors to the Chapel and as soon as she walked in, Piper and Alex came out the other pair of doors. Piper looked pissed and Alex did not seem too happy either. I stood there looking at them for a few seconds, then decided to swiftly move on. I really hoped that they didn't think I was just standing there the whole time they were arguing. That was the one thing I was trying to avoid.


Please let me know what you think so far. If you would like something to happen or have in mind what you would like to happen next, all ideas are welcomed - just leave a comment below or leave me a message. Comment, like, follow - Peace :D

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