What a life

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Sorry about spelling mistakes!!:)

And this book might get a little inappropriate so read at your own risk!


Beep! beep! beep! the alarm clock wakes me up, it's 7:00am and a regular day. I get ready, eat and the bus picks me up.

I'm Melanie, I'm 13, I'm outgoing but also shy, I'm crazy and I love to dance and Im pretty much really nice witch is why I get hurt so easily anyways, I have one sister, one half sister, and one half brother. My parents divorced when I was 7, my mother is remarried to a nice guy and has two kids with him and my dad has a girlfriend, there not really looking in to marriage or having kids.My life has had quite a bit of drama. Im also a cheerleader. But let's see what comes in the future?

I sit in the back seat of he bus, quiet and minding my own business, when suddenly I get a ball in the face, I look beside me and there's the crazy hipper guy who can't shut up, miller. He never keep his hand to him self he can't stand still and he's RUDE. Finally my best friend, Britney, gets on the bus. She's been my best friend since 4th grade, were like sisters. I seriously don't know what I would do without her?

I get to school and my other "friend" Tanya comes to see us (the reason why theres quotation marks is cause Tanya talks behind my back some time and shes two faced, don't ask why I'm her friend). I get my books and go to class and then I see "him". He's the guy that everyone likes including some of my friends. His name is Dany, he has brown hair and blue eyes, he's also really tall and a little buff and he's a football player. I've been friends with him for like ever and I keep telling him where only friends but I feel like there's something els behind that, I hate when he's with other girls, I almost feel a little jealous. I'm so confused!

I finally get into class and my two other friends come to see me ,Rihanna and Diamond, there so nice and crazy there kinda like me but way more outgoing. They kinda like Dany too but I never told them How i feel about him, I only told Britney.

Class is starting (boring as ever) and I'm already falling asleep. The teacher wakes me up by smacking a book on my desk.

I'm so embarrassed!!

I look around and then me and Danny's eyes met, his eyes sparkle, but I quickly look away.

Time for break/lunch. I go outside and play basketball, Danny's playing too. I'm put on the opposite team as him. We start playing, his team is already two points advanced. Danny's really good. I go to block his shot and he bumps into me. I fall down and bump my head on the ground, shortly after Danny trips and falls on me. I'm in too much pain to notice. He gets up and helps me up to...

"I'm so so sorry Melanie, you ok, I'll get you some ice" Danny says

"Im fine" I say

He comes back running with ice, and he gives it to me.

"Thanks" I say

I go to sit with Britney. We start talking about this guy, Liam, she's been texting. She's also confused about guys. She doesn't know if she should date him or not, he is one of Reggie's friend's ( a guy in my class and Britney's ex ). Me and Britney go to the cafeteria and get lunch. We talk a bit and soon after its time to go back to class.

Time for English class. Everybody loves English class cause we have a insane teacher and we love to drive her crazy. Me and Britney sit beside each other so we just talk and waist time. I look at the clock and there's only 5min till class is over and we go home.


"class is dismissed" the teacher says

I pack my bag and get ready to get on the bus. Danny asks Britney's for a hug, it's to make another girls jealous but I still feel sick to my stomach. I get on the bus and sit down. My bus ride is at least an hour. So I fall asleepn and my sister wakes me up at our stop.


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