Chapter 2

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Hey guys sorry its taken so long for another chapter, Maddie - xxangelstaarxx - and I - Tigergirl57 - have been really busy and haven't really felt like writing this story. Sorry about that guys. But i've been in the mood for writing lately, and since its Christmas brake hopefully there will be lots and lots of updates! But enough talk onto the story! 



"Finally! Where here....that only took forever" Cass said making me laugh a little as I killed another zombie. We've been traveling for two weeks straight now and we're almost finished the rest of our food, there’s about a days left of food in the bag that I was carrying.

Currently were on a hill looking at the city. Only a couple more feet is all we have to walk till we get there and we will be safe, hopefully forever...but are we really safe? I mean before even before all this shit went down where we really safe?

"What are you thinking about Angel?" Cass asked brining me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing, let’s go!" I said then started running down the hill towards the road. I knew Cass was following because I could hear her behind me then she started passing me, which makes since she's a fast runner -always has been-. I looked around and noticed that there was no zombies around.

"It’s going to be easier from here on out Angel!" She said as she came to a stop and waited for me to catch up.

"Most defiantly! I’m done with all this zombie crap!" I said making a funny face making her laugh.

We walked into the city and no one was around not even any zombies. I looked over at Cass and she looked just as confused. "There probably just more into the city then we thought that’s all?" it’s sounded more like a question then a statement but she just nodded.

"Yeah probably, let’s get moving. Looks like they cleared out all these zombies but you never know so keep your guard up." Cass said holding her axe up and ready.

"Gotcha" I said holding up my bat and I started walking down the main street with Cass following close behind. 

"Hey maybe we could stop in-" I started but Cass cut me off knowing what I was about to say because she was probably thinking it to.

"Let’s find them, then we can check out the stores and find some new clothes" she said and I nodded.

We started walking but dint get very far when I saw a nice outfit in one of the widows of a store. I looked at Cass and she just knew. "Fine. But let’s be quick about It." she said and I smiled at her then ran towards the store. I’m just dying to get out of these dirty and ripped clothes. "AND IF I DIE IT'S ON YOU!" She yelled as she followed walking in the store, making me laugh. As soon as she walked in the store she went right up to a rack that was by the front and grabbed a black long sleeved crop top then went to another rack and grabbed dark blue high wasted jeans and I just smiled at her.

She finally noticed me watching her and smiling. "What? You creeper!" She said jokingly

"Oh nothing just the fact that you said yes to this store -of all stores- and just so happened to of found the clothes you want right away. As if you too were looking in the store window and spotted them" I said as I kept smiling.

"Oh whatever! Get the clothes you saw and change so we can go!" She said as she tried not to smile. I just turned around and went and grabbed the clothes I wanted then went into the change room, and Cass did the same.

I changed into a grey tank top and black jeans and found a black leather jacket to go with it, then grabbed a pair of black boots that stopped a little before my knees. I walked out of the change room at the same time Cass did she was changed into the black long sleeved crop top that showed her stomach, but her dark blue high wasted jeans covered up her stomach enough and she had found a pair of black combat boots in the back where I found my black boots that I was wearing.

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