Chapter 5

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Angles POV

We've been driving for four days straght now and im going to go crazy really, really soon. Cass and Merle have not stopped bickering. I mean yeah hes a ok guy and some what nice but hes driving me crazy same with Cass, I love her to death I really do shes pretty much my sister even before all this. But really the two of them together is not a good combo. Ive been driving mostly the whole time but sometimes Cass will take over when she gets to fed up with Merle. She likes to take the wheel then when he starts annoying her agin shell swearve the car and look like shes about to hit something. If you dint know Cass like i do you would be scared to death too, Even I got scared the first couple of times, but that was because I wasnt exspecting it but now it seems to be a regular thing so im prepared but Merle yeah...not so much.

"Oh come on sweet cheeks please"

"Merle fuck off and stop calling me that!" she yelled. I've been gettng better and better at tuning them out so I have no idea what there fighing about this time, other then the fact shes mad at him about her new name but thats a ushal fight. Like were talking almost every ten miniutes unless there sleeping, but even then I sware there still fighting. I pulled up to a abandond gas station in a little -also abandond- town to see if there was any gas and supplies since we are starting to get low.

"Come on get out you two" I said getting out of the car and grabbing my bag along with Cass's.

"Noooo" Cass said. "You do it Merle" Cass said streaching out and hitting Merle with her foot.

"Uhh..Cass did you just...?" I asked not finishing my sentence.

"Yes, yes she did" Merle said as he opened the door and fell to the ground holding his croch.

"Oh well come on lets go" I said not affected by it.

"You both are so lucky your not guys, I would hit you so hard" Merle said stnding up and still holding his crouch.

"Oh please" Cass said getting out of the car.

"If you hurt that much just stand there and watch for zombies wail were in there getting supplise" I said as Cass and I walked away from the car leaving Merle. I handed Cass her, bag as she slung it over her shoulders.

"Ok, fine, thats cool to. Thanks sweet cheeks and Cassy-poo!" Merle said and neither one of us looked back but we did rolled are eyes.

"Oh and don't think your off the hook, you gotta keep a eye out for any zombies" I said.

Cass and I walked over to the tanks but they were all empty. Then we walked over to the store and looked for any zombies. I banged on the door, I grabbed my gun from behind me and the knife from my left boot leaving the one in the right and held it by the gun and Cass had her axe ready. A zombie came up and banged itself against the glass after about a minute an that was it, I opened the door and it stumbled out falling to the floor and as it went to get up I stabbed it in the head killing it. I whipped the blood off of the knife with the dead zombies shirt then looked back up at Cass who is watching the door for any others just in case. I stepped over the dead zombie and walked in and Cass followed closely after me. I went left down one isle and she went right down another checking if the little gas station store was clear.

"annything?" I asked just above a whisper so only Cass would hear me after I finished clearing my couple of isle. I only saw a couple of dead zombies no 'alive' ones.

"Nope all clear" Cass said talking normaly.

"Good, lets look for any gas and supplies they might have" I said putting my gun behind me, but kept my knife out. Cass just held her axe with one hand insted of two.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2014 ⏰

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