The Arrival

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"Sophie there's a scroll for you!"
That was what Sophie heard when she bolted off of her bed and down the stairs. They were also the words that made her trip halfway down the stairs and fall the rest of the way.
"Honey are you okay?" Edaline asked, concerned. "Yes I'm fine mom" Sophie said. She had finally started calling them mom and dad all the time and was debating wether or not she should change her last name to Ruewen. "Where is the scroll?" Sophie asked frantically. "It's on the counter, but you should really sit down" "okay mom" then Sophie sat down and looked at the writing on the scroll

Matches for Sophie Elizabeth Foster

Sophie screamed. "This is it! It's my matchmaking scroll!" She knew she was more excited than she should be. She's never been boy crazy, unlike Marella. Ugh Marella. Just thinking about her made her grimace. Ever since year three when Marella became part of Stina's evil reign, Sophie had avoided seeing her. She had manifested as a guster, like her dad, and she was not happy about it. That made her even more unbearable because every time she walked past Sophie in the halls, she blew a gust of wind in her way. Every time she did that Sophie just stared at her and insulted her in some other language to show off her skills as a polyglot.
"Are you going to open it?" Edaline said, almost as happy as Sophie
"We all decided that we were going to look at them together. Which reminds me, I have to hail them all and ask them if they got theirs yet" then Sophie stood up but immediately fell back down on the chair she was sitting on. Edaline rushed over to her and said "I'll go get an elixir for that. Wait here" and with that, Edaline practically ran up the stairs. Once she was out of sight, Sophie pulled out her imparted and called the person she had promised to tell first if she got her scroll
"Show me Biana"

The matchmaking scrolls(KotLC team Foster-Keefe fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now