The Active Day

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5 months pregnant. Sophie was expanding and she did not like it. Keefe had insisted that she was still beautiful. And she was. But she was highly self conscious. She didn't like to go out much anymore, but today she had to. She was applying for a job. The council had begged for her to be a keeper for them. Sophie was hesitant, given her history with the council, but she eventually accepted the offer. Keefe wished her good luck, and she leaped to Eternalia. She decided to go to her favorite councilor. She walked up to the tower that said "Councillor Terik" she knocked on the door and he walked out. "Sophie! What a pleasant surprise! Come in" he said, waving for her to follow him as he walked inside. This was a tower that screamed wealth. He motioned for her to sit as he sat at his desk. "So. What brings you here today?" he asked. "I've decided to take up the offer of becoming a keeper for the council" Sophie said. "Oh great. I was hoping you would. I'll talk to the other councilors and we'll mail a paper for you to fill out. It is going to be a bit different with you because of your impenetrable mind, but I can assure you that if you get this, it won't be hard. Thank you for coming by. I'm sure I'll see you soon" he said. "Thank you Councillor Terik" Sophie said as she curtsied. She had become a lot more graceful. She walked out of the tower and leaped back to Sungrove. "How did it go?" Keefe asked. "It went well. Councillor Terik was very pleased that I had accepted their offer. He said that they would send a paper for me to fill out." Sophie answered. Then she remembered that she had to have her monthly check up that day. "Hey I have to go out again. Monthly check up with Elwin" She said. "I'll go with you this time" Keefe said. Sophie had finally decided to get her pathfinder. She still didn't understand which position to put the crystal. Keefe helped her with it and then they walked into the light. She felt the feathery sensation surge through her body. Then they were at Elwin's office. "Hey Elwin!" Sophie said. Elwin's face lit up. "Hi Sophie. Hey Keefe" he said. Sophie sat down on the cot and Elwin started flashing light around her stomach like he usually does. "Well. The baby is perfectly healthy. As are you. And I have some news this time. I have the baby's gender! Do you want me to tell you?" Elwin asked. Sophie's mouth opened in shock. She smiled. She would let Keefe answer for her. "We already decided that we want to be surprised" Keefe said. Elwin smiled. "That's great. I'll see you next month. Oh and Sophie? You should probably stay off your feet for a while. You could get nauseated easily" he said. Sophie rolled her eyes. "Trust me. I know" then they leaped back to Sungrove. There was a scroll at the door with the councillors seal. Sophie picked it up. They went inside and she opened it.

We are pleased to inform you that we have decided you are the best for a keeper. Please answer the following questions:

Full name?

Skill level?

Spouse? (If has one)

Past professions?

The answers were easy and she filled it out in five minutes. She would bring it to Terik tomorrow. She decided to go to Havenfield to see Grady and Edaline. Keefe went too. When they got there, it was totally calm. Thank goodness Sophie thought. They walked in and Edaline was behind the counter. "Hi mom!" Sophie said. "Oh hello Sophie! It's great to see you! GRADY GET DOWN HERE!" She yelled. Then there were footsteps. "No need to yell. What is it?" Grady said. Then he noticed Sophie. "Sophie! So good to see you!" He said. Then he walked over and hugged her. He hugged Keefe too. Keefe was probably used to it by now. They sat down and Edaline took out some mallowmelt. Sophie took only one. "Why only one Sophie? You usually take at least three" Grady said laughing. Sophie pointed at her stomach. "I'm positive that if I take more than one, I'm going to get sick" she said. Grady laughed. "Any new information on my grandchild? Like a gender?" He asked. Sophie smiled. "Elwin knows. We asked him not to tell us. If you want to know that badly you can ask him, just please don't tell me" she said. Grady nodded his head. "You do have names though, right?" He asked. "Yes we do. Malum Fide and Mare Calli" Keefe said. He helped himself to another piece of mallowmelt. Sophie laughed. "Those names are wonderful! This will be a very lucky kid. With great parents. And grandparents" Edaline said. They all laughed. "So, I was wondering if I could go see Vertina? I never thought I'd say this, but I kind of miss her" Sophie said. "Of course you can. She's up in your old room" Edaline said. Sophie practically ran up the stairs, closely followed by Keefe. She opened her door and felt like she was stepping back in time. She walked in and sat on her bed. Keefe walked in behind her and sat on the floor, leaning against the bed. Sophie moved to sit next to him. "We shared so many moments in this room" Keefe said. Sophie nodded. "The one I remember the most, is before we met Mr. Forkle at my old house. I will always remember what you told me. That really helped me, by the way. I thought you should know that." She said. Keefe kissed her. Sophie got up and stood in front of the mirror. Vertina clicked on and gasped. "Sophie! Your here! And your pregnant! Congratulations!" She said. Sophie smiled. "Thanks Vertina. I'm five months pregnant" Sophie said. She waved Keefe over and he came up behind her and put his arms around her. "Hi Vertina" he said. "Hi Keefe. Are you taking good care of her?" Vertina said. "Of course. I wouldn't let anything happen to her again" Keefe said. Then he kissed Sophie and she blushed. "Can I come with you guys?" Vertina asked. "If it's okay with Edaline. Keefe?" Sophie said. "I'm fine with it" Keefe said. "Great! Oh I can't wait to see your house!" Vertina said. Sophie said she would be right back. She went downstairs and asked Grady and Edaline. "Mom? Dad? Can we take Vertina back to Sungrove with us?" Sophie asked. "Of course. She's only collecting dust here. I'll conjur her over there when you leave" Edaline said. Then Sophie went back upstairs and told them. "They said yes. Edaline will conjur you to Sungrove when we leave. Which I guess is right now. I have to get that paper to Terik. I'll see you soon Vertina" Sophie said. Then Sophie and Keefe went downstairs, said goodbye to Grady and Edaline and went back home. When they got there, Vertina was already in the main room. "This is where you will stay. It's our main room" Sophie said. "Thanks" Vertina said. It was weird talking to a mirror like she's your best friend or roommate. Vertina clicked off and Sophie let out a sigh. "I can't wait for this baby to be born" she said. "Yeah. Neither can I. There'll be another Sencen in the world" Keefe said. They went into the kitchen and Sophie took out the indigoobers she made. She handed one to Keefe who ate it without dripping indigoober goo. "And once that happens, we will finally have a family of our own" Sophie said. Keefe nodded and smiled and said "I can't wait for that to happen"

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