The Birthday And The Announcement

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When Sophie and Mare got downstairs, Fitz was standing in the main room with Keefe. Mare ran to Fitz and he picked her up. "Hi Fitz!" Mare said. "Hey kiddo!" Fitz said. He tickles her and she squirmed. Sophie smiled. She was glad Mare got along with Fitz. He was like her uncle. They were all like a family. There was a flash of light and Dex and Biana arrived at the front door. Mare jumped out of Fitz hands and ran over to Dex. "Deeeeeex!" Mare yelled as she was running to him. Dex smiled and picked her up. Another uncle. Or cousin. Maybe both. He ruffled her hair and tweaked her nose. Mare sneezed. Dex laughed, then Mare laughed. He brought her inside and plunked her down on the couch. She laughed and Dex sat down next to her. Then there was another flash of light and Grady and Edaline walked in. Mare ran over to them and Edaline picked her up. "Gramma! Grampa!"  Mare said. "Hi Mare! How have you been?" Edaline asked. "I'm fine Gramma. My birthday is coming up" Mare said with a sly smile. Grady laughed and handed her a box wrapped with green paper. Mare accepted it and ripped the paper off which revealed a pink hand mirror. Mare held it up to her face and looked at her reflection. She squeaked when she saw a face appear. "Hi Mare. I am Corinla, your personal spectral mirror" the face said. She had brown hair and midnight blue eyes. "We figured you should have someone to talk to besides your family and Vertina" Grady said. "Hey, while everybody is here, lets have Mare's party right now?" Sophie said. Everybody agreed and some went home to get presents for her. Keefe went upstairs to get the necklace which was wrapped in pink paper. There was a flash of light and Fitz walked through the door with Alden and Della. Fitz held a small teal parcel and Della held a purple one. Biana and Dex walked through the door and Dex was holding an orange parcel. Fitz handed his parcel to Mare, who put Corinla on the table. She ripped it open and inside there was a book. It was a book about abilities. Mare has always taken interest in all of the abilities. She asks Keefe to tell her what she's feeling all the time and always wants Sophie to teach her different languages and transmit to her. She also seems to have a photographic memory. She can always find her way out of the forest. "This is so cool! Now I can learn about all of the abilities!" Mare said. "I checked the book. It was made for kids her age so some of the more extreme abilities aren't in there" Fitz whispered. "Thank you....." Sophie whispered back. Mare knew Sophie was an inflictor, but she also knew she couldn't see her using her ability. Dex handed Mare their present. There were holes in it. When Mare opened it, there was a furball. Not a furball. An imp! Iggy went crazy in his cage. "It's a boy. Don't worry. No baby imps!" Dex said. Everybody laughed. "What do you want to name him?" Sophie asked. "Ummmm..............Daren! Daren the imp!" Mare said, excitedly. Then Sophie took Daren to Iggy's cage and put him inside. Iggy fluttered around and then Daren fluttered around. They made a lot of noise. Now it's Alden and Della's turn. Della handed her the purple box and she ripped it open. Inside was a box of lip glosses. Sophie rolled her eyes and smiled. Mare seemed to love them. Now was the special one. Sophie and Keefe's. Keefe handed her the box and she pulled the top off to reveal a silver chain and a silver alicorn with brown jewels for eyes. Mare's eyes darted between her parents. "Thank you! It looks like Sparks!" She said. Sophie had her turn around and she put the necklace around her neck. "That's because this is an alicorn. You need to take good care of this necklace, okay?" she said. "Okay mom. Thank you" Mare said. Keefe kissed her head and Mare hugged him. Then Sophie remembered why everyone was there in the first place. "Oh, guys, we have and announcement" she said. Everybody stopped and looked at the family. "I'm pregnant again" Sophie said. Then everyone cheered. Keefe picked Mare up and Sophie knew that this was an amazing family. She hoped Mare would manifest early. Everyone went back to the party and Mare circulated the room and let everyone pick her up. She loved attention. Sophie decided to look through the ability book and Keefe looked with her. Froster, Guster, Phaser, Flasher, Conjurer, Vanisher, Polyglot, Empath, Telepath, Technopath and Descreyer. They kept out Inflictor, Mesmer and Pyrokinetic. That was good, but she didn't like the fact that her ability wasn't in a children's book. It's a good thing though. Mare didn't need to know what her mother was capable of. She didn't want Mare to be afraid of her. She's the only elf with a parent who's an inflictor. Bronte isn't married, and he doesn't have a child, so Mare is the only child of an inflictor. Well, for 9 months, at least. Mare made it back to her parents and looked at the book. She stopped at empathy. "Daddy, that's what you can do!" she said. Keefe nodded. "Do you want me to tell you what your feeling?" he asked. Mare nodded her head excitedly. Keefe touched her hand. "Your feeling excited and jittery!" he said, tickling her. She laughed and squealed which told Sophie he was right. Dex came up to them and asked to talk to Sophie. She nodded her head and brought him to a corner so they could talk. "Are you really okay with a second imp? I'm sorry, I should've consulted you guys first" Dex said. "It's fine. And I'm sure your present was her favorite" Sophie said. Dex smiled. "And she needs her own friend to talk to. She has her own spectral mirror and now she has an imp. I just can't wait for this baby to be born so she has another elf her age to talk to. I don't want her to wait until she goes to school to have friends like I did" she added. "That wasn't your fault. The Black Swan basically held you hostage in the Forbidden Cities. Have you told Mare about the Black Swan yet?" Dex asked. Sophie shook her head. "Not yet, but I will tell her. She deserves to know" she said. Dex nodded. "She's just, so young. I didn't know about the Black Swan until I was 12 and I don't think she's ready" she added. Dex hugged her and she hugged him back. "It's okay. She'll understand when she's ready" Dex whispered in her ear. "I still don't understand. How would anyone understand that they aren't really related to half of their family? And I don't even know who her real grandparents are! How am I supposed to explain that I'm one of the only elves that was adopted? And the fact that I was 'created' is even harder to explain! It's not fair to her" Sophie said. "I know. It is hard. She'll understand though. You'll know when she's ready" Dex said. "I know I will. Thanks Dex. Maybe you can help me. You were there through everything. My first friend, best friend and cousin" Sophie said. "Mommy" Mare said. She walked up to Sophie and she picked Mare up. "Mommy, why are you and Uncle Dex over here? Are you sad?" Mare asked. Sophie shook her head. "No baby girl. We're just talking" Sophie said. "What are you talking about?" Mare asked. "You. We are so happy you finally turned four!" Sophie answered. Mare shot her hand in the air and smiled a huge smile. Sophie smiled too and walked back out to the rest of the party. Dex put his hand on her shoulder for reassurance. Sophie looked back to him and knew what he meant. Mare is ready.

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