Chapter 26: Goodbye Jason

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He started kissing from my collarbone down to my chest and fondled with my breasts.

Once he kept kissing down my stomach and then he climbed back up to me and kisses me.

I feel his hand reach down my stomach down to my womanhood.

Both his hands reach down and start pulling down my panties.
Which makes me moan even with a touch.
I cup his face and our kiss is locked.
It feels almost as better than the first one.
Once he throws my panties on the floor, I reach my hands down to his boxers because he is only wearing his boxers. I pull them down quickly.

I bite my lip as he hovers over me and his hands reach down there again, this time pumping in. Then going deeper, then pumping out, repeating this pattern. "Justin.." I moan, unable to keep it in. His finger sticks in there and I moan and as a reflex my arms are around his neck as I breathe heavy.

He pulls it in and then out, pumping more in and out and I loose control leaving a little scream.

Until I finally reach my climax and come undone, he finishes by licking the rest off with his tongue and I loose control again. How does this boy do this to, makes me feel so damn good. That is the most relax that I have ever been in my life.

But then once he is done, he is still hovering over by holding himself with his arms and legs that separates my legs.
I stretch my hand to his manhood which is quite...big, not too big but a little bigger than I thought.
I wrap my fingers around and he bites his lip and looks in my eyes.

I start raising my hand up and down that is wrapped around him.
He moans my name and I love it, I take control by moving faster and he reaches his climax.
He can't help but collapse on me and it really doesn't bother me.
The scene is sweaty and relaxed, tired. I love how close we are right now, even though he has been with many girls and I haven't ever done this with anyone. I love it.

I sweat and breathe heavily along with him, he brings his hand to my cheek and turns my face to look at him.
Kissing me one more time before he lays on his back and I lay my head on his chest.


We had fallen asleep after that and then I sat up and looked back down at him.

I smiled and blushed, my cheeks heated and I but my lip again.

I grapped the sheet that was over us and. Wrapped it around my breasts and down. He was still covered in the blanket sound asleep.
I smiled again at his beautiful face and his eyes closed. The scene that had played out made my heart leap.

Then I had gotten up and took a step foward.
But as I took another step then the sheet was pulled off of me.
Which made me turn around and see Justin smiling and amazed starring at me.

My cheeks heated again and I grabbed a pillow covering myself in the front.
Blushing, so hard.

He got up and put on his boxers, but walked to me, I just stood there and blushed.

He got to me, placing his hand on my red cheek and traced. With his thumb.
He distracted me while pulling the pillow and throwing it on the bed.

I blushed and. He just started sucking on my neck again, then he nibbled my ear,"You don't have to be embarrassed of your body, it's perfect." He nibbled then kisses my cheek and pulled away.

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