Chapter 32: Woah..

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I woke up with popcorn in My hair, my breath smelled like butter.

I sat up and my head was on Justin's chest, my legs on Taylor and Harry's bodies together.

They were bundled together and slept like that.


Haha, I shook Taylor and she sat up with out waking Harry.

We both walked outside in the back.

I was wearing a tank top and pj pants and so was she, so we had blankets around ourselves.

But she just laid out hers in the grass by this big tree as the sunrise came up. So did I and we sat on them watching the sunset.

This looks like it's in a movie, I'm betting she loves it.

"I love him, Taylor.."
I told her laying my head on her shoulder.

She gasped and laid her head on My head. "Congratulations! You found love. I..still don't know if I love Harry. I really like him and we're together."

"It's a yes or no, so you love him?"

She answers quickly,"Yes, I love him."
We both cheer and hug each other.

But then the boys walk out and lay next to us, me and stay or in the middle.

We are quiet, Taylor and Harry in each other's arms, me and Justin spooning.

"Guys, I never wanna leave.." Harry says and we all nod.

"I just wanna be here with y'all and live." Taylor kisses him.

I turn around to look at Justin and whisper so only he hears,"I love you, I just wanna be with you here."

His hands cup my face and he smiles,"I wanna live with you where ever you want. Me and you, forever?"
I kiss him and smile.


ts been a week of perfection.

Yesturday Ian and Nina told us that they are having a party because today is their last day be for they leave tomorrow at night."

And we are getting ready.

"Come on guys, we're gonna be late to Ian and Nina's party" She tells from downstairs.

Me and Justin are on top of each other, making out.
Because I walked out in a white fitted shirt dress and he 'couldn't control himself' so now here we are.


We got to the party and it was like a party. I've been to one before.

We were all drinking and dancing,me, Nina, and Taylor were with Harry, Ian, Justin, and Harry's friend.
He just walked in.

"What's your name again?" I asked a little tipsy as Justin held me in place, even though he is drunk as fuck.

"Zayn, and yours?" He chuckled in his accent.

"Selena, nice to meet you."
I shake his hand.

"We're gonna go pee, be back babe."
I tell Justin as I take Taylor's hand.

"Okay, don't forget to wipe the sink baby!" He takes another drink and I roll my eyes as me and Taylor run upstairs.

We find a bedroom and accidentally see.."Omg! Put it away!" I laugh shutting the door.

We laugh walking to the next, and luckily, it's a bathroom.
We pee, and sit on the sink talking.

After 10 more minutes, we walk out.

I lean on one of the doors and it's a little open so I fall back, into the room.

I sit up and look behind me where I

Justin..and a naked Kendall on the bed, there making out, and he is half naked.

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