Chapter 29: I Can't Take It

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Throwing my last bottle for the night across the wall, it's been a month and since that morning that she left to the store.

I haven't seen her since then and I'd been drinking since then.

The fucking police have done shit to find her and I cant take it anymore.

It's eating me alive not knowing where she is, what was Vince.

Yeah, I even told the police to look for him because I know that sick fucker probably took her.

Taylor and Harry are very sad about it and Taylor has cried more than I have but this month..
This month, I have screamed, I have had anger running through my veins.
It's not healthy but I need to find her.
I stopped eating, I stopped talking to anyone.

I stopped crying halfway through the month.

I have to find her.


My eyes open to the light from the opening door.
"Had a good night sleep Lena?"
That voice that has been haunting me for the past month whispers in my ear.

I just keep quiet.
I stopped screaming and yelling ten days ago, I lost hope for myself.

But I have prayed day and night that Justin would come save me.
Someone would come and save me.
But I have just been looking hope.

I am still chained in that room and he did. He took it. And I hate him.
I will never forgive him. I want to kill this ass.
I want to scream at him but my voice is cracked and I lost it.
I can just talk.

His usual routine he pulls off my shorts and I am in my underwear and ripped shirt.

But my eyes open wide as I hear banging on the door.
"Police! Open up!"
I hear the police and Vince gets up.

"Help me!" I try as hard as I can to be as loud as I could.

But my numb face doesn't feel anything as he slapped an 2 times.

The doors are opened and he screams,"NO!! I WILL FIND YOU LENA! BITCH!"

I have no emotion on my face but tears fall in down.

"YOURE FUCKING DEAD, YOU ASSHOLE!! I WILL KILL YOU!" My heart beats fast as I hear that amazing familiar voice.

Then they put me on the stretcher, and roll it to the ambulance.
All I see is people running and racing, then I am in an ambulance.

I shut my eyes and open them and see Justin..
He is climbing inside and sits right next to me,"Baby, I'm so sorry."
He holds my cheek.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you, I wish I was. But I swear I looked for you-"

I struggle reaching my hand to His hand on my cheek and then I am out.


He rips it off and forces it, its dark."No! Please! Let me go! No! Vince stop it please!"
I scream and sit up crying.

I bring my knees to my chest and hug them crying, but now it's light.
But I continue sobbing in my knees and my arms are free.
Hands wrap around me and I since at the hug.
"No, he's gone, you're safe now, Baby."
I hear the voice I have been crying, praying, begging for.

I look up and open my eyes,
My voice cracks.
His beautiful face appears and I smile widely and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Is that really you?"
I ask not believing it, I've had so many dreams About Justin while I was living that nightmare.

He nods and whispers,"Its me, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." Locking his eyes with mine he kissed my cheek and I feel his years landing on my cheek.

I press my forgead against his,"Please, don't?"

And his voice cracks,"I promise."
Leaning in and he softly pressed his lips against mine. And I kiss back bringing him closer. He sits on the hospital bed with me.
Not breaking the kiss that I am trying to savor since I having longing and dreaming of this moment.

We pull away and I hug him right crying,"I missed you so much!"
Crying in his neck.

He sniffles,"I missed you, Selena."

There is a knock at the door and I flinch as it opens, flashbacks of Vince walking in.

I blink and see a women and a man walk in.

Me and Justin pull away, but he stays next to me, holding my hand.

"Hello, Ms.Gomez. I...I'm very sorry for what happened to you, I..know that must've been terrible."
He older blonde lady gives me a sorry look.
Then she goes on,"My name is Tina Smith and this is my partner James Garret. We are trying to figure out everything. So would you answer some questions?"

I nod and she asks,"When you left the house to go to the store, how did he take you?"

I gulp,"Well, after I bought the groceries. I was putting them in the car and he pulled me and th..threw me in the van.."

"And then?" She writes down what I am saying.

"Then, he brought me to a warehouse, and there was this room...this room with handcuffs and chains.."
A few tears escape my eyes and I see in the corner of my watery eyes that Justin is clenching.
"He chained me there and then.."

She finished it for me,"Then he raped you.." I nod and she sighed,"Was..there anyone else he brought?"

I woke my tears,"Yes..his brother..Tim. And he did too."

She lands her hand on my shoulder and squeezed it reassuring.

"Thank you Ms.Gomez, that's all for today, and again..I'm very sorry."
Walking out.

I cry into Justin's chest and his jaw is clenched, fists are turning white.

He growls,", he takes you too? He fucking shared you!"
He grabs the handle to the chair and squeezing it.

I hug him,"Thank you Justin.."

He looks down at my face and cups it, his eyes full of



And I kiss him,"For saving me."


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