Chapter 35: I'm Done!

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I'm really gonna do it.

I'm leaving him.

I lay my luggage on the couch as I run upstairs and I find my phone on the bed.

I sit on the bed and check the time, 30 more minutes before they get here.

My eyes look at the bathroom, I can see the shower.
Flashes of our memory crawl in my mind and I sigh tearing.
Justin rushed in the room and shuts the door, locking it.
I look away as he sits very close to me,"Baby, you know I wouldn't do that if I wasn't--"
He starts but I cut him off,"A complete drunk that can't control himself!"
Becasue that's exactly what happens when he drinks too much.

He locks eyes with me and I shake my head,"You're not doing this to me, I am not staying. I have to go. I have to get away from you!"
I yell.

He sighed with his head in his hands.
"Please stay..."
He starts but trails off as He looks at me and scans my body.
"Who's clothes are they? Where were you last night!? Who were you with!?"
He asks too quickly with anger.

I stand up,"It doesn't matter who I was with, or what I did--"
He stands and tells,"That's Zayn's clothes!? You were with Zayn! Did he touch you!?!"

I take a step back,"You know what!? What does it mean to you!? Huh...don't you have Kendall to go to?"
I grab my phone and walk to the door, but leans on it,"No, I love you, not her."

"You don't love me."
I spit.

He cups my face, I try to push him away but is way stronger than me
"I much. Please--"

I cry,"Stop lying! Do you know how fucking much that breaks my heart when I saw that!?! I'm leaving!"
I push him off and he backs away, I open the door and rush downstairs with him following.

I hear the car honk and then
I grab my luggage and Harry walks in.
He sees me and walks to me with Justin behind me,"What happened--"

I say quickly,"I'm leaving, I'll see you when y'all come back. But for now, bye." I pull him in a hug and he hugs back,"I'll see you.."
We pull away and I rush back to the door with my luggage.

I walk outside and Justin slams the door behind him. Grabbing my wrist,"Let me go!" I yell struggling to pull my hand back.

"No! We can figure this out! Selena please!"

I turn to him and bark,"I'm done!"
He lets go as he sees my eyes.

I rush to Nina's car, Ian helps putting my bags in the trunk.

"Please, just give me another chance!"
Justin says behind me as I finish putting it in the car.

I get in the back seat as Ian and Nina are in the front.

Before I close the door,"Please..I love you.."
His voice is always breaking my heart.

I shake my head and locked eyes with him,"No, Justin...I'm done."
Shutting the door but our eyes still locked through the window.

She starts driving and I see Justin fall to His knees with a heart broken face.

During the plane ride, I am in the corner, by myself.
Mostly everyone is sleeping, Nina and Ian are more in the front.

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