Chapter 27: Vacation

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I told Justin and he was going to go beat up Jason but I stopped him. I apologized so many times and he just hugged me and got mad for being dumb.
But I took it, knowing he was right.

We made up.

It's the day of the trip, Becky had left yesterday back to her home.
It was sad and I cried into Justin's chest the entire time. She cried but left me with her favorite teddy bear.
It was white and had a strawberry smell to it.

But I had to let her be home, so I have her a nice departure party with all her friends.

Today me and Justin were sitting on the bench at the airport with our luggage.
I heard heels speeding, turning my head to Taylor.
She was with Harry and he carried all the luggage.

I smiled once they got to us.
Harry and Justin talking and joking around.
Me and Taylor started our chat sitting on the bench.

"I'm excited, but kinda nervous."
She sighed running her temples.

I nodded leaning my head on my hand,"Yeah, but's summer. We've got each other, and the guys."

She nodded,"You're right. But what if Harry wants to try something. You know more than what we've done."

My heart raced, thinking about it me and Justin had our first time on this trip to Florida.
I shook my head off the thought, scared.
"D..Do you love him?"
I ask.

She looks at me and with a serious face and nods, her serious face turning from scared to happy.
"Yes, I..I love him."
She choked out the words and smiled pulling me in a hug.

I hugged back tightly,"I'm happy for you Taylor."

"I'm just going to tell him that, in a couple...days...weeks.."
Taylor whispered scared as the boys walked up to us.

Justin grabbed my hand and pulled me up,"Our plane is ready."
I smiled at the words.


Soon all of us were sitting in the plane as it took off.
Taylor and Harry in the back of us getting kicked by a kid behind them.

Justin and I sitting next to another, laughing.

Halfway throughout the plane ride, He looked over at me and I was still awake.

"So what are we doing in Florida?"
He asks making up the conversation.

I shrug,"I don't know, but I heard that some celebrities are there, or we could just cuddle. See a movie."


After landing we all went to the house that we were renting for the summer and unpacked.
Harry and Taylor sleeping in one room, me and Jay in the other.
Both having a couple long size bed.

Once we were all done unpacking and settled in.

Jay and I were now watching a movie in our room, laying on the bed.
My head was in his chest and he was sitting up, back leaning on the headboard.

We were watching the movie, Scary Movie, it was the only thing to watch and I was getting tired.

My eyes dropping and I had fallen asleep.

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