Chapter 33: Heartbreak ×1×

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"J..Justin?" my voice cracks and they both look at me as if I had witnessed the murder they committed.

He stands up putting his pants back on,"S..Selena.." He is shirtless now and takes a step forward.

This feeling in me isn't normal.
It isn't healthy, it hurts. My heart is pounding, stomach is being squished is more like the feeling.

I don't know that I am crying until I feel a tear in my arm, touch my eye, I wipe some tears.

I run away quickly,"No!!" His voice yells, and for sure he is running after me.


Justin's Pov

No. What was I thinking!? DAMMIT! No! I am so angry as I run after her.

She runs downstairs and I try to catch up, she pulls Zayn away and my fists clench running after her faster.

"Selena!! Wait!" I yell as I follow them outside, they get to his car.

No! And before I reach halfway she, is in his car and her eyes are red still crying.

"Selena! Baby, Please!!" But she just stares at me crying as they drive away.

No! Fuck! Why did I do that!? DAMMIT!


Selena's Pov

I am crying in Zayn's car right now and he is so confused. could he do this to me?
How could he chest on me...with her?
I thought he loved me.

I feel bad for Zayn, and wipe the tears, trying to stop crying, but I can't.

After an hour, he stood the car.
And my cry is slowing down, now it's just tears.

I wipe them and look over at him,"I'm sorry.." I start.

"Hey, it's okay.." He shrugs.
After a couple seconds of silence,"W..what happened?" He asks.

I sigh run my shoulder,"My boyfriend..J..Justin, cheated on me"

He pats me on the shoulder and I tear up more that I lean into his chest and cry again.

"It's okay.." He rubs my back and comforts me for 10 minutes.

Then I pull away and rub my eyes, He asks calm,"So you want me to drive you home?"

And I shake my head,"No! He's probably there, I have no where to go.." I trail off.

Taylor, and Harry are staying in the house with Justin.

The only other people I know are having a party at the house their renting, which is Ian and Nina.

"You can stay at my place for the night. I promise, I'm not a perve!" He snaps me out of my thoughts.

I think about it and, nod, plus he knows Harry.

It's a short drive but we get to an apartment and he helps me walk up..
He unlocks the door and Iw all in.
It's average, the living room at least, but clean.

I walk in with him and he says closing the door,"You can sleep in my bed, I get You some clothes."

I nod and he rushed to the other room, and within minutes, he comes back with some clothes.

I take them and he points to his bedroom.

"Thanks, Zayn, you don't have to do this.." my voice is weak.

"It's fine Selena, go ahead, I'll be on the couch if you need anything."
He says and his smile so charming and caring.

I smile and hug him,"Thank you..." I pull away and smile,"Goodnight.." Walking to the bedroom.

I turn on the lights and his room has posters, and it's very boyish.
I shut the door, his bed is huge and looks comfortable.

I set the clothes he gave me on the bed and kick off my shoes.

Flashback: Before the party.

"Wear these, I love it when you wear these, they make your legs look sexy.." He said holding up a pair of my black heels.

I blush and smile kissing him,"Okay, I'll wear them for you, my Justyy!" putting them on.

I kiss him again, my heart skipping a beat again.

End of Flashback

The heels that I just kicked off make me remeber him and some tears escape my eyes.

I unzip my dress and take it off, putting on his t-shirt and boxers that He have me.

I pick up my heels and dress and put it on the corner of the room.

Laying on the bed, I am comfortable and tired.

I wipe the tears,"Why..Justin?"
I ask before falling into a deep sleep.


Justin's Pov

Harry parked the car, and Taylor ignores me, mad.

I get out of the car slamming it and rushing inside.

Please be here!

I unlock it and the house is dark,

run upstairs and she isn't here!

I pace around our room and dial her number,

She doesn't answer..

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