Chapter 28: Everythig Was Perfect and Then..

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Sitting up, I saw that I was alone in the bed, no Jay. And I could hear loud music from downstairs.
I grabbed my phone from the night stand and turned it on.
The time was now 7am.
What? Why is there music boosting through the house at this early.
I got up and walked to the bathroom, taking a quick shower.
Then drying my hair, letting it fall as I put on my usual makeup, primer, foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, bronzer, highlighter, and mascara.

I walked out to the closer and put on one of Justin's white black t-shirts.
After I put on my undergarments.
Then pulling up my Jean shorts.

I walkout downstairs and saw Justin making pancakes at he stove.
Music is on, Justin is dancing to it and I'm taking a video on my phone.

Holding backt he laughs as he flips pancakes.
But then I burst out laughing,
making him turn around.
He sees the phone and rushed to me.
I laugh too hard to even move that he wraps his arms around my waist from behind me taking my phone.

He kisses my ear making me giggle,"Nice moves Bieber."
I comment.

"You're lucky you hot, other wise."
Kissing my cheek.

I smell something, but ignore it.
"Hey, umm I'm going to the store. Need anything?"
I ask him putting my sandals and hoodie on.

He gets the pancakes ready,"No, In good. Maybe some condoms?"

I laugh and shake my head,"Byee!"

Walking outside, I get in the car and drive off.
My phone started ringing, I pick it up and answer.

Selena: Yes?

Nina: Hey girl, how's the trip?

Selena: Good, great actually. How about back at home?

Nina: Well my dad is just inviting his friends over. But there's this guy, he's real cute.

Selena: Oh really, a his name?

Nina: Ian. But he's kinda older, but doesn't look older. He's got blue eyes and dimples and dark hair--

Selena: Nina! I can practically see you drooling over the phone.

Nina: Sorry, he's just..

Selena: Different.

Nina: Yeah, but I can never get alone time with him.

Selena: As him to go to the movies or something. Or just tell him how you feel.

Nina: I'll try. Thanks Sel.

Selena: No problem! Hey, do you know if ...Justin's been drinking?

Nina: No, but I'll ask the guys.

Selena: Kay, thanks Nins.

Nina: Sure, love you! Bye!

Selena: Love ya too! Bye!

I hang up and park the car. After getting all the stuff I need. I but what I need and walk to my car.

I bend over to my car, and put in the groceries.

One of the cans drop as I am pulled by the waist and picked up.
My eyes widen and my first instinct is to scream so I do but a hand covers my mouth.

Kicking and trying to scream, I try as hard as I can.

But it's no use, my heart is racing of how scared I am.

But then I am thrown in something, a van. Then it all goes dark after a loud shutting noise.

"HELP ME!!!!!"
Tears rushing down my cheeks as I puvh the doors but I fail.

The van starts to drive.
"No! Let me go!"
I scream.

I look for my phone but it's taken.


It's been an hour, I count down and I see the light and I jump.

But arms grab me and throw me over their shoulder.

The person is wearing all black and has a mask on, but I can tell it's a guy.

It's a warehouse and the doors open, all you can hear in the empty place is Me screaming.

"Let me go! Help!!!!"
I scream as loud as I could but he just throws me on the concrete.

Then he takes his gloves off slapping me across the face.

I against the ground and I couch, looking back at him,"Fuck you!!"

Then he grabs a wad of my hair and drags me screaming and crying to another room.

The room is the same but there are hand cuffs and I scream knowing what's gonna happen.

"No! No! Please!!!"
I cry but he ignores it, handcuffing me to the bar.

His hand reaches his mask and he pulls it off slowly.

My mouth hangs open as I see ..
I scream scared for my life.

He tells,"There's no choice in screaming, Lena." His voice creeps.

I cry and he squats to my level,"You were always my favorite..but I never got to.." His hand slowly unzips my hoodie.

Tears falling from my cheeks,"Please, Vince, don't do this--" I beg but he just tips the t-shirt I am wearing and I am revealed in my bra.

"Now..can I finish what I started back when you were just 15-"

"No! Just let me go! He's dead so why are you doing this!?"

"I don't give a shit about your father! But you..all I want is you.." Unzipping my Jean shorts.

I cry,"No, please.."

Instead of stopping, he slaps me and continues.


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