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Dear diary,

I don't think I'll be writing in here much more. I used you, I think, to vent, because I didn't have people to vent to. Now I have people to tell about my day, my hopes, my fears.

I couldn't live without the art nerds.

I'm only calling them that symbolically at this point. Before, that's all I saw them as. Now, I know they're much, much more than just art nerds.

I believe the words sequence needed to describe them is hippie art nerds.

Ahahaha. I'm so funny.

Okay, not really. They're super nice, really caring, creative, welcoming art nerds. I love all of them, and their weird, hippie, paper mâché circus selves.

This is so weird and heartfelt. This is ridiculous.

Okay, to the point.

I think this is one of the last entries I'll write because I have found someone better than future me. Well, several someones, who go by the names of Charles, Tim, Ellie, Andromeda, and Olive. Several someones who I love.

Thanks for letting write to you and not complaining. Not that you could have said anything even if you wanted to, but somehow I think that you didn't mind at all.


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