Chapter 1-New Student

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Rem's POV

Ugh.. I'm in bio class bored, I'm suppose to be talking notes but i fell asleep as usual. "REM!" the teacher yells. "I'm up, I'm up" i said yawning. Five minutes later the door opens and One Direction walk in. OMG! Is this really happening?! 'Calm down Rem', i tell myself, so i did. They were looking for someone. Louis talks to Ms.Snikerly and she says "Rem you have to go with them" I walked up to them and th-

***BEEP*** ****BEEP****

The alarm clock goes off.

I woke up, 'Damn, that was going good, FML, i hate school!' i said to my self. "Rem! Get your lazy butt up, your going to be late for school!" my mom yelled from the kitchen. I get off my bed, look at my wall and kiss Zayn, Louis, Liam, Harry, and Niall, and told them ''Good Morning!"

I put my Ipod on shuffle and head over to the bathroom. I put my Ipod by the sink where it wont get wet and 'I want' was on. I hired the volume and went inside the shower.

'Give you this, give you that,blow a kiss take it back,if i look inside your brain...' I sang along.

I took a quick shower though, i didn't want to be late.

I put on my red skinny jeans and my One Direction shirt with a 1D bracelet on, and my blue converse. I put my hair in a messy bun.

I go downstairs to the kitchen and put my favorite cereal "Cheerios" in a bowl with some milk, i ate as fast as i can. "Bye mom,Love you!" i said running out the door.

My school isn't really far from my house, it was like 20 minutes away. But I was speed walking cause i woke up a bit late today.

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~~ School---Bio Class~~

I was so lucky that i wasn't late cause right now, Ms.Snikerly is giving out detentions to the students who are late. Shes probably in a bad mood.

After all the detentions, she said "Okay, for those who got a detention, next time if your late, your getting ISS (In school Suspension)." Wow, she is really in a bad mood!

"Anyways, i have a announcement to make" Oh no! last time she had announcement, it was about this huge project we had to do!

"We have a new student! You can come in" she said looking out the door. Okay, that's better than a project, i guess.

"Hello, My name is Daniel" Omg! He has a British accent! He had brown hair, and Brown eyes. He had a striped shirt on, which reminded me of Louis Tomlinson. Oh, Louis hes so adorable! He even more adorable with gla-

"Daniel you can sit next to Rem over there" i got interrupted by Ms. Snikerly, when she said that hes ganna sit my me.

He was making his way to his seat when i heard Regina mumble to Daniel "oh, i feel bad for you, you have to sit by that thing, ha! Good luck with that!"

The people sitting around her started laughing, i just rolled my eyes, and he sat next to me, and Ms.Snikerly started her lesson.

As usual, i fell asleep in her class. Its so boring! I felt someone shaking me, trying to wake me up, when i opened my eyes i saw Daniel "Sorry to bother you, but the teacher is passing out the homework and you might want to get up before she sees you."

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