Chapter 3- Bad News

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Daniels P.O.V

 "Stay away from Rem, or else" 

I read the text confused. Who the hell is this? Who the fuck is he or she to tell me what to do? So i texted back.

Daniel: Who the Fuck is this?

Unknown: u dont have to know, just stay away.

Daniel: No, u cant tell me what to do, who r u?

Unknown: Oh, can i now? Lets just say, I know Rem really well, and i heard u both r like.. a couple? so yeah, just stay away, and no one will be hurt.

Daniel: #1: where not a couple, where best Friends, and #2 you can tell me what to fucking do!

Unknown: good, thats perfect then, just dont get all up on my girl ;) 

Daniel: your girl? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?! 

I was so mad i almost hit the car in front of me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Haven't you heard about no texting while driving?!" the guy in the car infront of me shouted.

"Yeah, im really sorry!" i shouted back and he left.

I checked to see if that Unknown person answered but no, no reply. 

   Im home now still worried about who that was. Im pretty sure it was a boy. Did she have a boyfriend? She didnt tell me though.

   I ignored everything and took a shower, and put the dress i bought her in my closet, i went to sleep at 8:00 cause i was very tired.

*Next Day* *Sunday* 

Rems P.O.V

    I woke up at like 11 to go and buy some snacks for when Daniel comes over. 

    I went to Wal-green, and imediatly went to the cookie isle and got 2 boxes and put them in the cart. Then i went to the chips, I was looking for the Hot Cheetos, then i heard a familiar voice.

  I remember that voice, but i dont know who it is. I took a little peak so that person wont see me. And i couldn't believe who it was. It was Ryan, he was my boyfriend in 8th grade.

This is bad.

He was talking on the phone.

"Yeah man, Im going to Conner High school.."

Conner High school?! No! He cant be in my school. He just cant!

I quickly grabbed my things and paid for them and left before he saw me. This cant be happening. 

*Flash Back, 8th grade*

     I was standing at my locker getting my things for class Ryan came up to me and said

 "Hey babe, i um have something to tell you"

"What is it?" i said with a worried look on my face.

"We should take this outside" i nodded and followed him outside.

"Rem, we cant be together anymore" he said and a tear fell from my eye. Then he said "Its just that-"

"Ryan,babe c'mon where ganna be late" I turned around to see who it was. And it was Regina.

   I turned back at Ryan, he put his hand on my shoulder but i moved it away and ran inside to the bathroom.

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