Chapter 12 - My Fault

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Niall’s POV-


“No babe this isn’t a dream.” Shit! Did I say that out loud.

He chuckled, ”Yeah you kinda did” without answering, I pulled him back and pressed my lips against his.”I’ll take that as a yes.” He murmured against my lips. We were so caught up with the kiss, we didn’t hear when the door opened.

“Hey guy co-…  Uhhh” we quickly pulled away blushing furiously. I looked up and saw a smirking Daniel standing by the door way. “ I knew something was going on between you two.” He said still smirking.”So how far did you guys go?” I blushed even a deeper shade of red.

“We didn’t have-“ I was cut off by Daniel laughing.

“Chill, I was just kidding.” He said,”But seriously. Are you guys like dating now?” Me and Harry looked at each other smiling like idiots.

“I-uhh… I guess so” said Harry.

“Wait seriously? How long? And why didn’t I know this?” he asked

“Cause it happened thirty seconds before you came in.” I said.

“Oh well that explains. Anyways, I’ll just leave you two alone then. Just, don’t be too loud.” He said and walked out leaving me and Harry alone.

“So…..where were we?” asked Harry moving closer to me with a smirk on his face. God! HE’S SO FUCKING SEXY!

Rem’s POV-

“I’m gonna miss you Lou” I said hugging him.

“I’m gonna miss you too Rem. Make sure you think about what I told you.” I nodded while smiling. I hugged the other guys as well. They waved one more time before going into the car and driving away. Six more months and they’ll be back, and I’ll have to choose whether to stay here or go back home to my real family.

“So, what do you want to do?” asked Daniel.

“I wanna go somewhere were we haven’t been in a long time.” I said smiling.

“And that is…”

“Come on.”I said grabbing his hand and walking. On our way there, we bought ice-cream. Once we were there, a smile broke out on Daniel’s face.

“the beach?”he asked.

“That’s where we spent most of our time. Remember?”

“How could I forget?” he said grabbing my hand and intertwining out fingers together. He lead me to the shore and we started walking.

“Can I ask you something?”I asked

“You just did.” He smirked and I glared, ”Okay okay fine, what is it?”

“Is it just me or do Niall and Harry seem to be acting strange lately?”I asked.

A smile broke out on his face, ”No idea”

“Oh come on, I know you’re lying. What’re you smiling for then?” I asked.

“If I tell you, would you promise not to say that I told you?”

“Promise” I said.

“Harry and Niall have a thing going on between them.”

“A thing? What kind of thing?”

“Well, I walked in on them yesterday sucking each other’s faces off so….I guess that kind of explains.” He said while chuckling. I was beyond shocked.

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