Chapter 10- No More Lies and I Love You's

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Song For This Chapter:  THE DOWNTOWN FICTION - I Just Wanna Run (On The Side)


 Rem's POV-

I felt someone shake my shoulder.

"Rem, wake up." I heard Daniel whisper. I groaned in response. Last night we kept watching movies and I was too tired to go back home. So I just slept here even though Daniel kept telling me to go home so I won't get in trouble.

"Rem, you have to go home." said Daniel. I finally opened my eyes and saw a smiling Danile leaning over me. Then it turned into a frown.

"What?" I asked.

"Your mom found out you snuck out and she's mad. She's waiting till you get home. I told you, you should've left." he said.

"Danny you worry too much, what's the worst that could happen, I get grounded for another week?" I said rolling my eyes. I got off the bed and wakled toward the window. "I'm gonna go, bye."

"Wait." said Daniel as he walked towards me.

"What is it?" I asked

"You forgot something." I looked at him confused. He leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips."Alright your good." he said smiling.

"You're such a idiot." I laughed lightly.

"Yeah but I'm your idiot." he replied winking at me. I rolled my eyes and went out his window.

Once I reached my house, I stood infront of the door for a while debating weather I should go in from the front door or not. The door was suddenly yanked open.

"Well, are you gonna come in or just stand there?" asked my so called mom. I could tell she was mad but she was trying to hide it. I walked in and went to the kitchen. I leaned against the counter and waited for her to come. When she came she just stood there with her arms crossed.

"What's it gonna be?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"My punishment, what's it gonna be?"

"Locked up in your room, no TV, no electronics, and no seeing Daniel for the next month. Now give me your phone."

"What??!?! That's so unfair!"

"Well, you need to learn your lesson. Being grounded means you're not allowed to go anywhere,also meaning you can't sneek out without my permission."

"What makes you think, I'm gonna listen to you?"

"Rem! I'm your mother and you're gonna listen to whatever I say." that's when I literally lost it and started yelling.


"She wasn't ready-"

"OH REALLY? SHE WASN'T READY? WELL THEN COULD YOU PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WHY MY 'BROTHER' HAPPENES TO BE OLDER THAN ME?" I waited for her to answer but she just looked at me with sad eyes. By now tears were streaming down my face. "That's what I thought." I said in a normal voice before going up to my room. I got some clothes and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and changed into a grey jumper and sweats.

By the time I was done wearing my clothes, I was still crying. I layed down on my bed and burried my face into my pillow. I felt like complete shit. I felt so unloved. Like I'm not even wanted. My real parents don't give two shits about me. My fake mom probably hates my guts. My brother's probably mad. And my throat hurts like a bitch from yelling so much!

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