Chapter 7- The Truth

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Okay, so I know we took along time to post this chapter, but its because we have finals! Yeah, school is always in our way! But the good thing is that school is almost over!

So I think we will be posting for chapters! Lets try to get, 100 reads?  10 votes?  5 comment?  For this Chapter, Before the next chapter?

  Also thank you guys so much for the votes an comments!!! They help alot!!!

Okay, I'll stop talking and go on with the story!

Sorry for the errors!


Daniels P.O.V   

I was still pretty upset about what happen yesterday. I still didn't talk to Niall. He texted me, but i didn't reply. I really didn't want to go to the party, but i had to.

For Rem,Louis,Harry,Zayn, and Liam. Not for Niall though. I was really mad at him.

Me and Rem decided not to go to school today cause we were still pretty tired, and we didnt feel like going.   

The party was not until night, which means where ganna have a sleep over too.

So i did my normal mourning routine and went downstairs to living room, flipping through channels.   I hear dish noises in the kitchen but then i heard the water was off.

My mom came into the living room and i looked up at her and smiled.  "Daniel? You don't look very good, whats wrong?" she asked sitting next to me.

"Nothing mum, just a bit tired from yesterday." i lied.

"Oh, yeah, how was it? Did you guys have fun?" she asked. "Yeah, it so fun, Rem was so happy, she met them" I half lied. 

My mum already knows that there my best friends and everything. But she just doesn't know that i liked Niall, or i was gay.

I didn't bother to tell her, and i was happy i didn't.  "..iel! Hello?" I shook my head and looked up at my mom

"mhm?" i said. "you kinda went off somewhere else, are you sure your okay Daniel?" she asked again. 

I nodded and said "Yeah, ill just go lay down in my room for a bit" and went up to my room.  I laid down on my bed thinking.

My head was hurting because of how much i was thinking. I got interrupted from my thoughts by the buzzing of my phone. I looked at the caller ID and it was Louis. I unlocked my phone and read.

Louis: Hey, i didn't get to talk to yesterday, you didn't seem like talking. But, WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THIS?!

Daniel: yeah, um, sorry about that, i didn't think i was ready to tell anyone, and besides, its a good thing i didn't. 

Louis: Sorry? really? why would you tell Harry, but not me?

Daniel: The only reason i told Harry cause he saw me and Niall kiss... I wish i hadn't written that. I read it and i got disgusted. 

Louis: You what? Omg.. i cant- i don't- How long where you guys, you know? Together? Daniel: Um, 4 months..

Louis: WHAT?! How-? And- wha- I CANT BELIEVE YOU DANIEL! We told each other everything! Daniel: Yeah, I know, sorry Lou.

Louis: I forgive you, no worries mate :) so you coming right?

Daniel: Yeah, well i have to, don't i?

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