Chapter 4 - I'm Sorry!

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 Daniel's P.O.V

   He was kissing her. I didnt know what to do. I wanted to run over there and punch him, i wanted to kill him. But no, i just stood there like an idiot. Rem saw me and pushed him away. 

 Ryan looked at me with a smirk and walked away. I was about to hurt him for touching her but i held myself back. What if she wanted to kiss him? 

 I was about to leave before my anger got over control when Rem reached for my arm and said,

 "Danny Pl-"

"No Rem, No" I cut her off and pulled my arm away and left.

I was walking so angrily picturing there kiss over and over again in my head. I couldn't handle my anger so I punched the wall. I yelled in pain.

Rem came running and said

"Da-" she paused and looked at my hand. "Oh my god, What did you do? Come he-"

"No, its okay, just leave it." i moved my hand away.

But she just rolled her eyes and said "Daniel! Come here!" She grabbed my hand then she looked from left to right and took me inside the girls bathroom. I was still mad at her for kissing him though.

Rems P.O.V

     I cant believe Ryan just kissed me. The worst part is, Daniel saw it. He saw it all. He didnt even let me explain, he just walked away and decided to punch a damn wall.

   I made sure no one was around and took him inside the bathroom. I washed his hand, it was silent. He broke the silents and said "Why did you kiss him? I thought you didnt want him? I thoug-"

  "I didnt kiss him Daniel! He kissed me! I dont want to be with him.. I want to be with you" I said and lowered my voice at the last sentence.I was now crying. I was still trying to stop the blood on his hand.

   He lifted up my chin and wiped my tears and said "I want to be with you too" then he leaned over and kissed me gently.

  This reminded me of the first time we met. 

 When we pulled away he looked at me and said "Im sorry

"Its okay Danny" i said and we hugged. 

I made sure he wasnt bleeding anymore. 

"C'mon lets go back and see how the rest of the day goes.." i said, not very happy.

   Daniel stopped me and said "Do you really want to stay?"  I shook my head.

  Then he said "Go get your stuff and come back to my locker okay? Just dont ask, ill tell you later" I did what he said and went to where he was at. We walked toward the door then Daniel looked from left to right, then took my hand and ran outside the school.

  We ran as fast as we can till we were far away from school. Daniel finally stopped to sit on the bench. I sat next to him watching the view of the beach. I smiled at the view.

  Daniel noticed and put his hand around my neck and kissed the top of my head. I rested my head on his shoulder. After like 5 minutes, Daniel got up and put his hand out and said "Lets go for a walk" I grabbed his hand and went to the beach.

 Daniels P.O.V

 We went for a walk on the beach, she looked so happy. But I wanted to make her more happy. I picked her up "Ah, Danny put me down!"she yelled, but i didnt listen and took her to the water. I splashed her with water and she did it back.

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