Chapter 8- Don't Give up

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Song With This Chapter- "I Wont Give Up" by Jason Mraz. (On The Side) 

 Louis P.O.V 

 After texting Daniel I laid down on my bed ignoring the laughs and yelling from the boys next door. They all seemed happy. But it was weird, i didnt hear Niall's laugh at all. He usually laughs at everything. I felt bad for him, i really did. But i didn't care about that right now. All i could think of was Rem. I was thinking about it so much that i realized something. If she was born and my parents put her up for adoption, and im older than her, she's 17 and I'm 21, wait what? If she was born before me, how am i older? wait what? She wasnt born before me, i was.

Oh my god, this is so confusing! I got up went to the bathroom and washed my face, i looked at my self in the mirror.

"This cant be true" I said to my self. "Its either, mom lied to me about what really happened, or this isnt real." Maybe, she's not my real sister, maybe my mom mixed up. I mean my mom said she was born before i was, so its not possible for me to be older.

What ever, i guess, for now, till the party is over, i decided to call my mom. But now, i need to forget about everything and just have fun! I hope.

I went to Josh and Zayns room, where the party was at and they were all sitting down waiting for Daniel and Rem to come. Harry and Niall were sitting on one couch, Zayn and josh were sitting on the other, While Liam was waiting for me, i guess. We always somehow end up sitting next to each other. We always end up in the same room, its really weird. But we dont mind. All the couches were now filled up, there was only one more empty. For Daniel and Rem. There was alot of snacks and junk food on the table. Niall and Harry had a bag of chips eating already.

"Hey Lou! You okay?" asked Liam and i sat on the couch next to him. 

They all looked at me and stopped talking, waiting for me to respond.

"Yeah, i was texting Daniel, Rem figured it out, she is pretty mad, based on what Daniel told me, she didnt want to come, but they are on there way" i said. 

Liam put his hand over my shoulder and said "Dont worry mate, Im sure she will forgive you" they all nodded.

"Yeah, I hope, but you know what i dont get?" i said looking at the boys. They all gave me a 'What The Hell you talking about "look. 

I took a chip from the Doritos bag that was on the table and ate it. "If she was born before me, how am i older than her?" 

 They all gave me a confused/shocking look. Liam was about to say something but we heard a knock on the door. 

"Guys, just let this party or sleep over, what ever, be normal? No problems, or anything?Please?" i said getting up to get the door. The all nodded and i went to the door and slowley opened it. 

"Hey Lou!" said Daniel.

"Hey Dan" i remember we used to call him that. I havent been calling him that.

"Hey Rem"  i said as the walked in.

"Hey Louis" she said walking past me, No hug, No eye contact, Nothing. 

I closed the door as Daniel and Rem went and sat on the couch and they were already haveing a conversation with the boys. 

I went back and went through the movies that i found. I didnt know what to pick.

"Hey, what movie do you guys want to watch?" I asked.

"Its still 8:00 mate, lets play a game first, then we'll watch a movie" Niall said. 

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