Chapter 2- Great Day

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*Two Weeks Later*

    Rems P.O.V

   Its been 2 weeks now, me and Daniel are still friends. Actually, were getting closer than usual. Regina didn't stop from picking on me though, but I'm trying my hardest to ignore her. 

   Daniel has been over my house a couple of times. I also went to his house, his mom is really nice, she invited me for dinner last week. Me and Daniel had a project to work on, and he was a bit lost on what we were learning cause he came like right in the middle of the school year. Mom says he is a really nice guy and she is happy that I'm happy. She even invited him to come over for dinner on Saturday and he agreed. 

  Daniel has also been coming in the morning everyday and walk together to school. His house is only like 3 blocks away. 

  Its Friday, and as usual, I woke up and I was very jumpy and hyper, don't know why, but I put "Friday" by Rebbecca Black on my Ipod and put it on BLAST! The song can be annoying but I didn't care. 

  "Its Friday Friday, Gotta Get Down On Friday.."  I sang and got dressed. I wore a red stripped shirt and blue skinny jeans with red converse. Everything I have reminds me of Louis! Ahh, he's so cute! 

  "Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal.." I sang as i got a bowl of cereal and ate it all. 

      It was 6:30am and Daniel usually comes at 7:00am. So i decided to go on twitter, since i haven't been on it in a long time. When i logged in i realized i had so many mentions and about 100K followers. What? Why? I scrolled down to see what happen. Some tweets we nice like 'CONGRATS' or  'LUCKY!' or 'Omg! Your So Lucky, Congrats Girl!' But there were some mean ones like 'Eww, Go Die!' or 'WTF? I expected someone different'or 'Fuck You!'Which made me frown a bit. But i scrolled down as fast as i could.. and i couldn't believe this... this cant be true.. 

  I fell on floor began to cry, i guess i was loud cause my mom woke up and came running downstairs. "Rem?! Whats Wrong?! Are You Okay?! REM?!" She hugged me and i calmed down a bit then said "Louis..." i paused then said "Louis Tomlinson followed me and said that he loves me!" I cried even harder.

     But i heard my mom laugh and say "Really Rem? I thought something was wrong. Your such a weirdo, just go wash Ur face and get ready, Daniel should be on his way" She went back to her room.

      I remembered when i tweeted Louis like a long time ago, and i said 'Hey Louis, just wanted to say that I love you so much, you and the boys helped me so much! Then he replied the next day, but i didn't know! Omg! I'm so happy!  Louis Fucking Tomlinson Followed Me!

 Daniels P.O.V

   It was 6:40am so i had to start walking to her house. It takes only about 10 minutes then we talk for a little then we head to school. 

  I made it to her house,she was siting on her porch and  she looked so happy, I wonder what happen? I walked to the porch and she saw me, so she took her headphones out.

   I said "Someone looks really happy and hyper today! Whats up?!" 

  She turned around so now she is facing me, she smiled and said "guess what?!" 

   "What?!" I said waiting.

   "Louis.." she paused.

   "Louis what?!" I said almost shouting.

   "Louistomlinsonmyimaginaryboyfriendfollowedmeontwitterandsaidhelovedme" She said it so fast. 

    I said "WHAT?! Say it slower!"

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