XXVII - Elfa

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The look on his face when he watched her blush was saying a thousand words. She knew that he liked how she blushed all the time. She felt a bit embarassed by that, but let it be. She closed her eyes in enjoyment as he brushed his fingers through her hair. Her hair was always a weak point of hers. And he was bound to know it by now already. She felt him stop breathing more than heard when she replied to his previous question.

Opening her eyes again she saw a bit of disbelief on his face, but the happy emotion on it was overwhelming. She smiled shyly at his response and shivered from the warmth of his lips on her palm. Seeing him smile, she couldn't help but let her smile widen on her face. Watching him brush his hair away from his face made her fingers twitch as she realized that she had wanted to do that. But her mind finally registered that they were still kneeling on the floor and opened her mouth to say something about that, when his lips descended on her again in a soft kiss. She let her hands start playing with his hair again as she drew herself closer to him. It seemed as if her hands had a mind of their own.

When they parted again, she tried to remember what she was thinking of last, because his kisses made her forget everything but him. Finally she remembered and said softly,

"Why don't we make ourselves more comfortable. You shouldn't be kneeling for so long after you took the potion."

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