Chapter Three: I love that smile...

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"Nico are you going to the huge camp party at the lake?"

"I guess I'll go." Nico put down his book and stood up to go put on his bathing suit. When he walked out he was wearing completely black swim trunks.

I smiled, shook my head and pulled him to the Athena cabin so I could get ready.

Some Aphrodite girls had planned this huge camp lake party so that everyone could 'party together' as they said.

I believed that it was just a party so that they could scope out all the hot boys and then try to hook up with them while they're in bikinis without looking slutty. But that's just what I thought.

I put on my other bathing suit, a pink peacock eye printed bikini with a matching bottom. I pulled on jean shorts over it for walking around camp and came out of the bathroom with a blue towel in hand.

Nico walks with me to the lake where people are already gathered in the water and on the sand. There is a table with food and drinks.

I quickly find the Seven and Calypso sitting away from everyone else. We go to sit down with them and find the four girls tanning on their towels.

"Hey Priscilla." Piper says while taking off her sunglasses.

"Hey guys." I respond.

Percy, Jason, Frank, and Leo are sitting in a circle talking. Probably about something stupid I think.

Nico joins them while I sit next to Hazel.

I scan the crowd of people and see nothing until I lay my eyes on Amber and Theseus talking together close to the drinks. I quickly make up an excuse that I'm thirsty and go to get some Sprite.

I'm pouring my drink slowly so as to make the least amount of noise so I can listen. They don't notice me stealthily eavesdropping on their conversation.

I don't hear anything of importance until Amber says, "I think we should do it today. Soon."

"Amber there are way too many people around." Theseus responds.

"That's the whole point. Nobody will be paying any attention to anyone being taken away. They'll be to busy partying or in the water."

"Okay fine."

Suddenly I realize that I have been pouring nonstop while listening. The cup has already overflowed and my hands are covered in sticky sweet soda.

"Great." I mutter. Nico and I just have to be on the look out at all times while we are here.

I walk back to our group and Hazel comments on my long absence.

"Sorry, I got distracted." I say hurriedly. Almost too hurriedly and I realize my mistake.

"With who?" Hazel commands calmly.

"Hazel it's not like that. I would never do that to Nico. And if you must know I was being nosy and listening in on someone else's conversation." I say simply.

I sip my drink and stare out at everyone running around, laughing, and having a good time. But someone might be getting hurt today. And nobody would know.

Soon I'm crouching next to Nico and telling him what I heard. "You need to watch things." I said.

"Okay I will." Nico replies and turns back to the boys.

Piper, Hazel, Annabeth, Calypso and I are soon engaged in a chat about different types of cheese. We're all debating over which cheese is the best. I say Colby Jack but nobody else thinks so. Soon I see one of my sisters and a guy move off into the tree line.

My heart skips a beat but I know that she won't get kidnapped if she's with someone.

But still I keep my eyes on the spot where they disappeared into the thick trees.

They come out about 20 minutes later. The girl is giggling hysterically and the guy has his arm around her waist. I hate to think about what went on in there.

I look to Nico and see if he noticed. He is staring straight at me. He nods and I smiled back, confirming that both demigods are okay.

I excuse myself from the cheesy chat and slip off my shorts. I then sit next to Nico. "Do you want to go in the water?" I ask.

"Sure." Nico stands and looks at the rest of the group to see if anyone wants to go with us.

Leo and Calypso come and splash into the freezing water with us.

We play games and talk with each other.

Soon both Calypso and I are blue with the cold. Leo's arm is around Calypso's shoulders and Nico's is around mine.

They go off into the woods together after they get their towels. Nico and I do the same but walk in the opposite direction.

Nico walks with me huddled in my towel, still shivering.

"I'm so cold." I say for about the fifth time.

"I know." Nico laughs.

"We should just stay here for a while." I suggest.

"For a little bit, but then we should go back and watch everyone." Nico consents to this compromise.

Nico turns to me and has his lips against mine in seconds.

I smile into it while kissing him back. Nico's hands are on either side of my waist.

I pull away for air, but Nico keeps his hands on my waist.

I lean the side of my face against his chest for a minute. Part of what I love about Nico is that he knows where my limits are. Whether it's when to stop or where to stop he knows. He never pushes me over. He knows that I just like to stop for a bit and savor the moment.

"Neeks we should go back soon." I say with a deep sigh.

"Let's just stay here for a minute." Nico said.

I lift my head up and am met with one of Nico's kisses on my forehead. He moves down to my nose and then to my mouth where he holds for longer.

When he pulls away I'm in shock. Who knew a son of Hades knew how to kiss like that. I guess I now know.

I smile bashfully. "I love that smile." Nico remarks. "That smile you have after we kiss. It's adorable." Nico smiles, I reach up and peck him on the lips.

"See even now." Nico smile grows wider and wider.

Then we hear a rustle in the bushes. Nico looks about ready to fight as chipmunk pops out.

"Oh." He says and resumes his normal stance.

I just laugh and slap his arm playfully. Nico rolls his eyes and sweeps me off my feet bridal style.

I giggle my girly laugh which is different than my normal one and wrap my arms around Nico's neck.

We hear another rustle and Nico rolls his eyes. "Not falling for that again."

Suddenly there is someone behind Nico dressed in black. I open my mouth to warn him, but it's too late. The person already hit Nico on the head with the butt of a sword, apparently hard enough to knock him out.

I begin to scream but someone covers my mouth and hits me on the head with a rock.

Soon everything went black...

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