The Rose

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Stiles laughed as Scott and him walked to his room. They had just gotten back from lacrosse practice.

They entered his room and froze. There sitting on Stiles' bed was a blood red rose. Stiles felt His face heat up.

"Again?" Scott asked as he went around sniffing the room. Stiles had been getting roses for almost a year now. Almost as long as Scott had been a werewolf.

The red roses where his favorite. Yet every time he got one Scott couldn't find the sent of the person who left them.

Stiles thought it was sweet. Scott thought it was weird. Of course don't get him worry. He loved that someone was this sweet to Stiles.

He just feared for him..that's all.

Scott shook his head. He hadn't gotten a scent yet again. Shighing he told Stiles he had to go and left the boy there.

Stiles smiled at the rose before he took it to put it with the others. One day he'd hope to see the person behind the rose.


Today was the day...the day his mother died. Stiles walked around school not talking and not looking at anyone.

Scott and the gang where worried about him. But right now he didn't really care. He hated thinking about today...he'd killed his mom...

He knew it. Even if people told him he didn't. He knee he did. He hated himself for it. But he had to be stronger...

Walking up to his room after school never felt so long. He was tired of everything. He just wanted it to end.

As he walked in he looked at his bed. Sitting there was a rose but this one was different. It had a note on it.

Midnight. In the woods. The clearing. If you wanna see who i am.

Stiles couldn't believe it. He was going to get to see the rose guy. He forgot everything and went to get ready for midnight.

Stiles sat on the hood of his jeep. Tonight he was going to see who his rose guy or gal was. He looked at his phone. 12.

He looked up when he heard walking. His eyes widen as he saw him. Tears ran down his face. No it can't be.

Stiles fell down moving away from the man. He's doing this to hurt me. Stiles felt his body shake as he got closer.

"Stiles," his voice was soft. "Stiles why are you crying?" Stiles tried to hide from him only to be pulled to his chest.

"Look at me Stiles." Stupidly Stiles looked up and into the green eyes of Derek Hale.

Derek had been the one leaving the roses for him. Derek had always liked Stiles.

Derek held him knowing it would take some time for the human to clam down. But it was worth it.

Derek loved Stiles. And thats all he ever wanted Stiles to know. Stiles loved Derek and thats all Stiles wanted Derek to know.

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