❉ Chapter Twenty-Five ❉

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     "Man how I tie this shit?!" Q groaned while fondling with his tie. I chuckled and tied it for him.

     "You ready?" He shrugged. "I mean I guess, I really love her though"

     "Ya know, i never thought i'd see the day when my boy gets married" He chuckled. "What about you and Raylen? When is yo slow ass gone pop the quest-" I bit my lip and slipped a red velvet box outta my pocket.

     "Oh shit" Q hugged and dapped me up. "Still, when you gone ask her?"


     While Q and Quiara were saying their vows, my mind was somewhere else. I guess i was having second thoughts about asking Raylen to marry me. I love her and she loves me, and she having my babies. I don't think she'll say no but i'm still scared about asking.

     "...You may now kiss the bride" Quiara leaned in and kissed Q, and everyone started clapping.

     "Aye bruh, would you ever get married?" Me and Q was smoking blunts after a big drop and we were higher than a motherfucker. We were at our house--its the first thing we bought together.

     I exhaled the smoke that was in my lungs. "Nahh, imma stick to fucking these hoes" He chuckled and nodded his head in agreement.

     "Yup these bitches ain't shit"

     "Babe, you ohkay?" Raylen asked tapping my forearm. I only took a bite outta my steak, my mind was somewhere else.

     "Yeah" I chuckled nervously. "This damn suit is getting on my nerves" I groaned. I looked over at Raylen who was finishing up her 4th plate of food.

     "Mhm whatever"

     It was time to cut the cakes. Yeah, Q got 2 cakes, one for Raylen and Quiara, and another for everyone else.

**Two Hours Earlierrrr**


     "You look beautiful girl" I told Quiara while doing her makeup. She kept crying though, so this is my 6th time redoing it.

      "Thanks" She tried holding back the tears. "Babe, stop crying"

     "I can't, i was suppose to have my baby boy 2 days ago" It's past her due date and she's all shooken up. I hope this doesn't happen to me though. "Quiara just calm down. This happens to alot of people." She closed her eyes--and slowly she calmed down.

     "now, i just you to focus and the honeymoon, and food" Quiara smiled.

***The Present***

     I was eating some cake while everyone was dancing, but i looked over at Kavonte. He looked out of it. He walked over to where i was sitting and sat next to me. "H-Hey babe" He kissed me and rested his right hand on my stomach, making 'his' boys kick.

     "Hey, you good?" He nodded. When he lifted up his hand, his hand print was left on my light blue dress--he was sweating hella hard.

     "Aye, lemme get my boy Kavonte--Kavonte bring yo ass here" Kavonte mugged Q and stood up. He began walking to the center of the floor.

     "Don't you got something to tell my little sister" Q handed Kavonte the mic and patted his back. He winked at me and looked back at him.

     "Raylen, come'ere" Everyone made a path for me to walk to him. I stood up--still eating my cake and walked towards him.

     "First, i wanna apologize for the first time i met you, i called you out your name. I said sorry and then i realized that i had some feelings for you." Sweat was was forming at his forehead. "To be honest, i was nervous cause i thought you rejected me. Then, i was always pressuring you to have my babies and you'd always say no. We'd fight and then we'd make love" Everyone laughed.

     "I love you and i know you're the one for me. I guess you can say i'm nervous, cause i gotta ask you something" He reached in his pocket and got down on one knee. I dropped my cake on the floor and gasped. "Raylen Cleo Gordon, will you make me the happiest nigga on the planet, and be my wife?"

     "Mommy, Richard asked me to marry him" I told her hopping into my carseat. "My ring was ringpop" I showed her my ring.

     "That's nice, well what did you say?"

     "I said sorry, but thanks for candy. If i ever get married, i would want a beautiful dress, and handsome boy, and yummy food. He better be sweet about it to,otherwise i'll say no. and also-" I looked up and saw my older sister engaged in a conversation with our mom. I don't even think she cared.

     I don't really care though, i stared out the window and kept thinking about what marriage would be like.

     "Yes!" Kavonte slipped the ring on my finger and he kissed while everyone was cheering and clapping. It was cut short when someone screamed. I looked behind Kavonte and saw Quiara on the floor.


***One long labor laterrrr***

Jackson-Isaiah Giovani was born

crying his head off

weighing 8 lbs and 3 onces

     "Aww he looks just like Quinten" Q's mom cooed holding little Jackson. Quiara was in labor for about 10 hours before she was ready to give birth, so she's sleeping now from the drugs they gave her. Q cried a little bit when he first held him, but he got over it.

     I feel like i'm gonna pass out. I'm engaged to Kavonte, my bestfriend got married and had her baby.

     "Uncle Vonte has to go now, be a good boy for mommy and daddy ohkay?" He cooed to Jackson. Kavonte dapped Q up.

     "Take care B" I hugged Q. "Congrats sis" I blushed and followed Kavonte out the room. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "I love you, Mrs. August" I blushed even harder.

     "I love you too, papi"


Ummm, yepp

This was short but I just had to get this out the wayyyyy😁

No one was expecting thisss


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