Day 15

29 3 0

Since I have no clue how to post a screen shot on wattpad, I'll just describe to you what would be in the screen shot. I actually found a screen shot online that looks similar to my own game.

So I was on my way to a quest when I run into a giant and two mammoths. Just casually minding my own business I walk up to the friendly giant (who by the way actually helped me kill a dragon) and I show him the power of my sword. (In other words, I basically swung my sword and hit him in the leg)

That move didn't go over so well with the giant so he ran after me seeking his revenge, which he rightfully deserved. And of course being the weak Nord I was he took one swing with his club and killed me.

The only thing was my last save was from over twenty minutes ago. So I basically lost over twenty minutes of progress just for doing something stupid.

So word of advice is, If your going to do something stupid in Skyrim, please just please, save first.

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