Chapter 1

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Santana and Puck walked through the door. They were finally home.
Santana was a mother. After many years of trying for a baby and losing one along the way, she had finally gotten her wish. She felt nothing, but love for her son. He was perfect.  He was everything they had ever wanted.
"Let's put Avery in the nursery." They had decided to use Noah's room for Avery. They made a couple of changes to the room.
"He's so adorable." Santana smiled
"That's because he's ours." Puck kissed his cheek
They shut the door and went to the bedroom. Puck wrapped his arm around her waist. She snuggled closer to him and fell asleep.
Santana heard a cry coming from the baby monitor. She got up and went to the room. She picked Avery up.
"Shh, baby. Mommy is here. She's going to take care of you." She checked his diaper. His diaper was dry. He wasn't hungry. She bounced him. He began to calm down. After a few minutes he fell asleep in her arms. She kissed his forehead and put him down on the bed.
In the morning, Santana woke to Avery's cry.
She yawned and went over to change his diaper. They went downstairs.
Puck was cooking downstairs.
"Good morning." He kissed her and Avery.
"Good morning." Santana sat down on a chair and nursed Avery.
"Do you want coffee?" He asked turning to look at her.
"Orange juice." She said. He nodded. Santana burped Avery. Puck took Avery from her.
"I can't believe we're finally parents." Puck played with Avery's toes
"I know. It all seems like a dream."
"I can't wait to teach him how to throw a football and catch a baseball." Puck smiled
"He's going to be awesome."
"He's going to be the best." Puck said, proudly. Santana nodded
Santana had never felt so happy in her life. She was sure her heart would erupt from her chest at any moment. She knew Puck felt the same way. He had been smiling so much the past few days. The baby seemed to bring so much happiness to their lives. There lives seemed to become perfect with the arrival of the baby. It was all working out just fine. It was all just perfect.

They're finally parents! Yay! There will be some skipping around happening. There is more info in the author's note in Forever and Always.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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