Chapter 19

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Santana was awoken by her phone ringing. She looked at the clock. It was 2:38 in the morning. She wondered who would be calling at the time.
"Who is it?" Puck mumbled, sleepily.
"I don't know." It was an unknown number.
"Answer it." She picked the phone up and answered
"Is this Mrs. Santana Lopez-Puckerman?" It was a males voice.
"Yes, who is this?"
"This is Mercy Hospital. I am calling to inform you that your son, Avery Puckerman, has been in a car accident." Santana felt her heart stop. Santana hung up.
"What was it?"
"Avery's been an accident." They both got up quickly and got dressed.
They drove out as fast as they could. The hospital was two hours away. Santana knew letting him go to UC Santa Barbara was a bad idea. She couldn't take the anxiety.
They made it to the hospital in an hour and thirty minutes.
"We're here for Avery Puckerman!" She said to the receptionist.
"The doctor's are looking over him. You'll have to take a seat." Santana sighed. Marissa parents were in the waiting room as well.
"Stephanie, what are you doing here?"
"Marissa was in the car as well." She answered.
"Is she okay?"
"She's okay for the most part. She just had a broken leg. The doctor said she's in good condition. "
"Good, I'm glad she's fine."
"Do you know anything about Avery? Marissa wants to know."
"Nothing yet, but we'll tell you when we know something." Stephanie nodded and walked to the room Marissa was being held.
Santana paced around the waiting room. She just wanted to know if her baby was alright.
"Santana, calm down."
"How can I calm down? My baby is hurt and I don't know if he's alright or not!"
"I know it's hard, but stay calm. He's going to be alright."
"I hope so." Santana leaned on Puck. She couldn't bear to wait another minute. She needed to know if her baby was okay.
"Avery Puckerman." A doctor called out:
"That's us." They walked towards the doctor.
"Your son is a grave condition. He absorbed most of the impact. He has a few broken ribs and a concussion. He hasn't woke up yet and for that reason we're keeping a close eye." They followed the doctor to Avery's room. "You two can go see him now." They walked into the room.
"My baby!" Santana couldn't stand to see him so helpless. She covered her mouth to stifle her sobs. Puck wrapped his arm around his wife.
"He has to wake up, Puck. He just had to." She sobbed.
"He will. He's strong." He felt his own tears run down his face
"I can't live without him. He's needs to live." She sobbed into Avery's chest. She clung to bis hospital gown. Her little boy looked so fragile. He had stitches on his cheek.
She held his hand.
"Baby, please, wake up. I need you. We need you. If you die, I don't think I could take it." Santana couldn't lose her child. Not again. She already had so much heartbreak. Losing her only child would be like hell on earth.
Avery moaned. He felt his something warm on his hand. He could hear some sounds in the background. It sounded like someone crying.
He opened his eyes. It was his parents. His dad was staring at the wall and his mom was holding his hand and sobbing. He tried to make out words. It came out like whisper.
He squeezed his mother's hand.
Santana felt a squeeze. She looked up.
"You're awake!" She hugged him.
"Everything hurts." He whispered. "What happened?"
"You were in accident." Everything came flashing back. He was driving back from the beach with Marissa. They had spent the day there. They were talking about something and next thing he knew something hit them and it all went black.
"Is Marissa okay?" He sat up, but winced at the pain.
"She's fine. She's awake and she's fine." Avery sighed in relief.
"Can I go see her?"
"How about she comes here?"
"Mom, I'm the guy. I should go visit her. I have to be a gentleman."
"I'll go get her."
"Mom!" Avery began to protest,but she was already out the door. She came back a few minutes later with Marissa in a wheelchair.
"Hey, babe. You're awake." Marissa smiled. She lied down on the bed next to him. Avery scooted over to make so Marissa could be more comfy.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt? I should of been more careful."
"It wasn't your fault. The person hit us. I was so scared. You were unconscious. I thought you were dead." Tears fell out of her eyes.
"I'm okay. Don't cry." She wiped her tears away. He kissed her forehead.
Santana and Puck watched the couple. They had to admit they were cute.
"Young love. It's the best type." Puck wrapped his arm around Santana
"Yea, it is. So naive and innocent. If only they knew what lies ahead."
"Let's just let them live on their bubble."

I know, I know. It's short. I'll try to make it longer.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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