Chapter 5

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A year and a few months later

Santana was at home with a very bad behaved Avery. He wasn't listening to her at all. The only person he would listen to was Puck.
"Avery, sweetie, don't draw on the walls, please."
"I like draw." He said
"You can draw on paper, not on the walls. Drop the crayon." Avery continued to draw on the walls.
"He's already at it, isn't he?" Puck chuckled.
"Yup." Santana kissed her husband.
"Avery, don't draw on the wall!" Puck stared at Avery. Avery dropped the crayon and went to play in his room.
"Why does he only listen to you?" Santana said, exasperated.
"You're too sweet with him. You have to be stern. Show him that you're being serious."
"I am stern with him."
"Does 'Avery, sweetie, put the crayon down, please' sound stern to you?" Puck mocked
"Okay, maybe I am too sweet, but I can't yell at my baby." Santana pouted
"There's a time to be sweet and a time to be serious."
"I know, I know. I'll try to be better." Santana stuck her tongue out at him.
"Work on it, today. Call me if he's being to troublesome. I'll see you later." Puck grabbed his keys
"Have a great day at work."
"Bye daddy!" Avery waved
"Bye, Avy. Be a good for mommy." Puck closed the door.
"Alright, what do you want to do?" Santana asked Avery.
"I play toys." Avery ran to his room. Santana followed him.
"Can I play?" Santana picked up a car.
"No!" Avery hit Santana
"Avery, don't hit mommy!" Santana scolded.
"No touch cars!" He yelled
"You're on timeout." Santana pulled Avery for a time out. The time out spot was a corner in the living room with a small stool. Avery had to face the wall for 3 minutes.
"Mommy! I no want time out!" Avery pouted. He continued to do so for the whole 3 minutes.
"Alright, Avy, time out is over. If you're good for the rest of the day we won't have to do this again." Avery got up and went to his room.
Around noon, Santana called him down for lunch. Avery came into the dining room. Santana had made him chicken with a side of vegetables.
"I no want veggies." Avery made a face
"They're good for you. You want to be big and strong, don't you?" Santana asked. Avery sighed and sat in the chair and ate his chicken. He stared at his veggies.
"Staring at them isn't going to make them disappear, Avy."
"I no want veggies." He crossed his arms over his chest.
"You're not going to be able to leave the table until you do."
"No veggies."
"You're going to stay there until you eat your vegetables."
"No veggies!" He yelled.
"Don't yell, okay. Do you want another timeout?" Santana looked him in the eyes.
"No." Avery shook his head
"Then don't yell. I'll make you a deal, if you eat half of the veggies you can leave the table. Deal?"
Avery nodded and ate his veggies.
"Good boy." Santana praised "How about after this we go to the park?"
"Yay!" Avery went to get ready for the park. Santana cleared the table and washed the plates.
"I ready!" Avery said
"Okay, let's go." Santana grabbed her bag and drove to the park.
"Swings!" Avery dragged Santana to the playground. Santana placed him on one and pushed him. Avery laughed.
She could see paparazzi taking pictures from a distance. She really wished that they would leave them alone. She didn't mind them when she was by herself, but she didn't like when they harassed her family especially her son or her niece and nephews.
"Mommy, I play on playground."
"Okay." She put him down and sat on a bench. She pulled out a book and read, checking on Avery ever few minutes or so. He would usually be running around with a few kids or sliding down the slide. She smiled and went back to her book.
Santana heard a cry. Every mom in the perimeter of the playground looked up. It was Avery.
"Oh my god, baby!" She ran to were Avery had fallen.
"Mommy!" He had his hand pressed on top of the cut.
"Let mommy see, baby." Avery moved his hand.
"No touch." Avery pleaded. Santana nodded and looked at the cut. It wasn't a very big cut, but to a two and half year old it was huge.
"Let's go home and get you cleaned up." She picked him up and walked to the car.
When they got home the first thing Santana did was wash the cut to clean off all the sand and dirt. She rubbed alcohol on.
"Ow! Stop! Ow!" He cried. She rubbed some lotion on it and then put a bandaid on it. Avery was sobbing by the end of it.
"Shh, baby. You're okay."
"I have cookie?" He sniffled, wiping his tears.
"Yes, you can have a cookie." She held her hand out for him to take. Santana gave him a cookie and they sat together.
"I love you, mommy."
"I love you too, baby."

Hey guys! It's me again. It seems like I'm getting into the habit of updating every Saturday, but that might change since school starts up again on Tuesday. I'll try to update every Saturday, but I can't make any promises. Have a great night (it's night where I am. 11:01 pm to be exact) or morning.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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