Chapter 12

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Santana was preparing Avery for his first day of Pre-K. She couldn't believe it. It felt like it was just yesterday she held him in his arms for the first time and now he was preparing to go to the first day of school.
"I'm ready!" He yelled. He was wearing a powder blue polo shirt, navy pants and black Converse.
"You look very handsome." Santana cooed.
"You look pretty too." Avery complimented. Santana was wearing a purple strapless dress that went up to her knees. She paired it with a black belt and black heels. "Let's go to school!"
"You haven't even eaten breakfast." She laughed.
"Oh." Avery walked downstairs. He ate his cereal happily.
"Now, let's go to school!" He said when he finished.
"Alright, let's go." Avery ran to the car.
"I can't wait." He jumped up and down in his seat.
"Are you going to miss me?"
"No." He shook his head.
"Are you going to cry?"
"No, I'm a big boy now." He smiled.
"Yes, you are." Santana sighed. She was pretty sure she was going to tear up.
Avery jumped out of the car as soon as Santana parked it. She walked with him to class. Many parents stared at her. Some took out their phones and took pictures. Santana rolled her eyes and put on her sunglasses.
"Wow! This school is really big!" Avery exclaimed.
"It sure is."
"Look, that's my class!" He ran towards it.
"Walk, Avery." Avery slowed his pace. They were soon in front of the classroom.
"Ms. Lopez, nice to meet you." The teacher stuck out her hand.
"You too." She smiled.
"I'm Miss. White and I'm going to be Avery's teacher this year." The woman was quite young. She looked to be in her early thirties. She had straight brown hair with green eyes.
Santana and Avery walked into the class. Avery searched for his cubby.
"Look, my cubby!" He pointed at his name. They made it over to his desk.
"Parents, it's time to say goodbye to your children." Miss. White announced.
Santana sighed. She was dreading this part.
"Alright baby, I have to go now. Be good. I love you." She bent down and kissed his forehead.
"I love you too." He hugged her. They hugged for a few seconds. Santana heard Avery sniffling. She pulled away to see that Avery was crying.
"Don't cry, baby."
"I don't want you to go." He cried
"I'll be back in a few hours. Be brave. You can do it." Santana wiped his tears.
"I'll be brave. Bye, mommy." He hugged her one last time.
"Bye, baby. I'll see you in a few." She waved goodbye and walked out of the door.
Santana went home and sat on the couch. She had nothing to do. She usually spent her days doing things with Avery. The house was lonely now. The sound of her heels against the floor echoed through the house. She really hoped those eight hours past fairly quick.
Santana stood outside of the school gates. She was waiting for the bell to ring. Multiple people were there asking for autographs and pictures. She could even see the paparazzi from a distance.
The bell rang. Santana searched for Avery. The entry ways were crowd with multiple kids walking off campus. She was soon surrounded by a swarm of 12-13 year olds who loved her music. She tried to take as many pictures before Avery came over to her.
They hurriedly made their way to the car. Santana sighed once she had gotten away from the crazy swarm of people. It's not that she didn't like her fans, it was just it could get overwhelming sometimes.
"How was school?"
"It was fun. I made a friend." He smiled
"Oh really? What's his name?"
"His name is Jason. He's really nice."
"Good for you."
"What did you do?" He asked
"I stayed home and watched tv. I was alone."
"I missed you." Avery said
"I did too. You use to be my best buddy and now you're gone and have a new best friend."
"You'll always be my best friend, mommy."
"You'll always be my best friend too, but don't tell auntie Q I said that. It's a secret."
"I won't. I promise." He smiled.
When they got home, Santana signed some paperwork and then went to play with Avery for a little while.
"Family, I'm home!" Puck yelled. They walked downstairs.
"Daddy!" Avery hugged Puck.
"Hey, buddy. How was school?"
"Super fun. I like it."
"Hey, babe."
"Hey, San. You're looking beautiful just like always." Santana blushed and kissed Puck.
"Why in such a happy mood?" She held his hand.
"Can I not come home and compliment my wife on how beautiful she is."
"You can, but there's something going on."
"Well, I just made a huge deal and I'm very happy about it."
"I knew it. You don't compliment me anymore." She pouted.
"I promise to compliment you everyday."
"Yes. Now, what's for dinner?" Puck rubbed his hands together
"Steamed vegetables."
"San, you know I hate that."
"You either eat or you don't."
"Fine." He grumbled
"Avy, come eat!" She yelled. Avery came running to the kitchen.
"Eww, I hate veggies!" He glared at the plate.
"You have to eat them. They'll make you big and strong."
"Daddy! Help me."
"Sorry, buddy. We're in the same boat. Veggies are gross." He made a face. Santana hit his shoulder.
"Set a good example. He looks up to you." She whispered harshly into his ear.
"I mean, I love veggies!" He ate one and tried not to gag.
"See, Avery. Daddy likes them. You want to be like daddy, don't you?"
"Mhm." He nodded. Avery picked up his fork and ate the vegetables.
After dinner, Avery was put to bed. Santana walked to the bedroom.
"So, how did the first day of school go?"
"It was the worst day of my life. He's growing up so fast." She slipped into bed.
"Soon he'll be off to college."
"Shut up! I don't want that day to arrive." She mumbled.
"It will one day, but for now let's just enjoy him being a 4 year old." Puck said. Santana smiled and snuggled into Puck. Santana wasn't ready for her baby to grow up.

Hey guys! I said wasn't going to update, but I wrote most of this last night, so here it is.
So, I've noticed that I don't have Puck and Avery bonding. I honestly suck at the whole father&son thing. My father was never in my life, so I don't really know how the whole father thing works or how they acts. I'm actually feel like I make the scene pretty awkward when I write father&son bonding. So, because of that reason I don't write about it that much.
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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