Chapter 11

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Santana and Puck had a wonderful day. They had gotten a much needed break from their jobs. They hung out with their family and Santana got to spend time with the baby of the family. Zander was just one year old. Santana loved spending time with him. Quinn would sometimes joke that he was beginning to think that Santana was his mother instead of Quinn.
They had gotten a call from the fertility clinic. They had gone over to see what the problem was. The clinic almost never called. Santana and Puck were dying to know what was wrong.
"Ms. Lopez and Mr. Puckerman, we have called you over to tell you something very important. It's not good news."
"What is it?"
"The last time Ms. Lopez was here we did a few exams. We got the results and it seems like her fertility rates have dropped. It's not very likely that you will be able to get pregnant again and if you did it would come with many complications. You and the baby would be likely to die at birth. You had a very small window to be able to reproduce and it seems like that window has closed. You can keep trying if you'd like, but it's probably not going to be effective." Santana couldn't believe it. She wasn't getting another baby.
"We're going to keep trying." Puck said. He squeezed Santana's hand. She knew that he was only saying that for her.
"No, I'm done. We're not trying anymore." She crossed her arms over her arms.
"Are you sure?"
"Puck, you heard her! She said we're not going to get another baby! It's over. I'm done. I can't have anymore." She shouted.
"Okay, don't get upset. I was just asking." He mumbled.
"I'm sorry. It's just this all a shock and I'm just upset." She put her head in her hands. This was one of her worst nightmares.
"It's alright, San. I know this is upsetting."
"I just can't do this anymore. It's too much for me." She sighed.
"Let's go." Puck helped Santana up, but she couldn't go. She turned around to face the doctor.
"Thank you so much, Dr. Williams. I really appreciate what you've done."
"You're welcome. Good luck with what the future holds for you." The woman smiled kindly. Santana nodded and walked out.
She was silent on the way to Quinn's house. They were just going to pick up Avery and go home.
When she got home, Santana went straight to the bedroom. She threw herself on the bed. She couldn't take it. She had the worst of luck when it came to children. The one thing she couldn't have. It was a miracle she got Avery. That was the one thing she was thankful for.
She sighed and stared at the wall. She wanted three children and she got one. She was happy to have one, but that wasn't what she wanted. She would of have three children if Noah wouldn't have been a stillbirth and she hadn't miscarried.
Avery walked into the room.
"Why are you sad?" He kissed her cheek.
"I'm not sad." She lied.
"It's okay to be sad and cry, mommy. That's what you tell me." Avery said, looking at her.
Santana let a tear run down her cheek.
Avery hugged her. She felt herself break under his embrace. She cried over the pain of losing two of her babies. She cried for not being able to have another. She cried over being infertile.
When she composed herself she kissed the top of his head.
"What did I do to deserve you? You're perfect."
"I love you, mommy. I'm going to kiss you until all your sad feelings go away." He kissed her cheek multiple times. Santana smiled. He always knew how to make her feel better.
"Thanks, baby. You're the best." She ruffled his hair.
"Can I have a cookie?" He asked
"Of course, you can have as many as you want."
"Yay!" Avery ran down to the kitchen. Santana was right behind him. She grabbed a cookie for Avery and one for herself.
Puck walked into the kitchen. He looked at Santana. Her eyes were red and puffy.
"You okay, babe?" He asked, staring at her.
"I'm fine."
"I made her feel better!" Avery smiled, proudly.
"That's my boy!" Puck smiled.
"I'll always protect, mommy." He smiled.
"And I'll always protect you." Santana kissed his cheek.

I know this is really short, but I've been a little busy. I'm definitely not updating tomorrow. I have so much homework.
Next Chapter, Avery is 4.

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