Chapter 22

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Few months later
Santana and Marissa were hanging out watching television. They were having a girl's night since Puck and Avery were out watching a baseball game.
Marissa was 9 months pregnant and three days overdue.
"So, how have you been holding up."
"Well, my back hurts, my feet are swollen and I can't find a comfortable sleeping position. It's the usual." Marissa shrugged.
"The usual?"
"Yup, all of that has been happening for the past 3 months. Truth be told, I can't wait till he comes out."
"Looks like he's pretty comfortable in there."
"Hopefully he comes out before Wednesday or the doctors are going to induce labor."
"I don't think he'll stay in there that long."
"I doesn't seem like he's coming out anytime soon." Marissa placed her hand on her bulging belly.
They watched the rest of the movie in silence.
Marissa grimaced as she felt the baby kick. She felt something rush down her legs. It felt wet. Had she peed herself? She had probably ruined Santana's couches. What would she say? She decided to stay silent. She felt the kicks become harder and she felt the pain become greater.
"Are you okay?" Santana asked.
"I think I just peed on your couch." Marissa blushed.
"You peed?" Santana raised her eyebrows.
"Yea. The baby kicked and then I peed."
"Sweetie, I think your water broke." Santana said.
"Oh." Santana helped her up. They made their way to the car.
"Where's the baby bag?"
"It's in the car." She said through clench teeth. Santana nodded. She called Avery.
"What's up, mom?"
"You need to get to the hospital."
"Why?! What do you mean why?! You're wife is in labor!!" Santana shouted
"We'll be there." He hung up.
They got to the hospital and Marissa was put into a room. Marissa whimpered as she got another contraction.
"Deep breaths. Take deep breaths." Santana advised. Marissa nodded.
"We're here!" Puck and Avery burst through the door. Avery kissed his wife's forehead.
"It hurts."
"I know, but you're doing great." She turned to look at Santana.
"How many centimeters dilated is she?"
"She's 7 centimeters. It should be a few more hours before she's ready."
They all sat down. It would be a while before Marissa was ready. Everyone did something to keep busy. Puck was giving Avery tips on how to deal with a newborn. Santana was telling Marissa how birth would feel like.
Marissa was pretty calm, mostly because the epidural was helping her feel less pain.
The doctor came in and checked on Marissa.
"She's ready."
"Ready, babe?" Avery held Marrissa's hand.
"Ready." She nodded.
"On the count of three you can start pushing. One... Two... Three." The room was filled with Marrisa's yells. Marissa squeezed Avery's hand.
She pushed again.
"You're doing good, Mar. You're doing good." He squeezed his hand.
Marissa pushed again. She couldn't believe how much pain she was in. She couldn't imagine how it felt without taking an epidural.
She held to to Avery's hand as she pushed. She didn't want him to let go. His touch was like her support.
"She's crowning!"
"C'mon Marrisa, it's just a few more and then he's going to be here."
"I can't. I can't do it."
"Yes you can. C'mon babe." She gave one last push and then the room was filled with a shrill cry. Everyone smiled as the sound echoed through the walls.
They handed the baby to Marrisa. She smiled as tears rand down her face.
"He's beautiful."
"He really is." Avery kissed Marrisa. Santana took a picture.
"What did you name him?"
"Daniel, Daniel Puckerman." Marrisa told her.
"He's adorable." Daniel had brown hair. His eyes were brown as well.
"Hi Daniel, it's your mommy. I want you to met your family." She handed him to Avery.
"Hi Daniel, I'm your daddy and I promise to care for you." He passed him over to Puck.
"Hey little guy, I'm your grandpa. We're going to have lots of fun. I'm going to take you to baseball games and teach you how to play football." Puck handed Santana the baby.
"Hey baby boy, I'm your grandma and I love you. I'm going to spoil you so much. I can't wait till you come home. You'll have a great time and you have a great family." Santana handed him back to Marrisa
Avery and Marrisa looked at their child and smiled. He was the best thing that happened to their lives. They finally understood what their parents felt when they had children. An immense amount of love. That's all they felt for their child.
They all knew this was a day that they would never forget

Two updates in a day! Final Chapter is probably on tomorrow or tonight. I'll see y'all then. Peace✌️
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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