Chapter 17

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Santana stood in her room watching her makeup artist work on Marissa's makeup. Prom was that night and Santana made sure that Marissa was looking her best. They were almost done. Soon, Avery and Marissa would see each other and be on their way to prom.
"I'm so excited. I can't wait." Marissa smiled
"I bet Avery can't either. He's downstairs waiting for you."
"I hope he likes the dress."
"He'll love it or I'll beat the pulp out of him."
"It's a really pretty dress. Thank you for buying it for me." The makeup artist put on the finish touches. He stepped aside so Santana could see.
"Only the best for my future daughter in law."  Santana looked at the finished result. She gave a smile.
"It looks great! Thank you so much, Jared. You're the best!"
"You're welcome. Call me anytime." Jared made his way downstairs.
"How do I look?" Marissa was wearing a black dress with a leg slit.
"You look beautiful." Santana complimented. Marissa blushed. They walked downstairs.
Avery couldn't take his eyes of Marissa.
"You look gorgeous."
"Thank you. You look very handsome." Avery smiled and handed the corsage over to her.
The two adults watched them.
"How adorable." Santana gushed.
"It's kind of gross actually." Puck chuckled
"Oh, please. You use to be like that all the time."
"Only for you. You look beautiful by the way." Santana was wearing a black dress and heels.
"You look good too." Puck was wearing a suit. They had to be formal. Santana would have rather gone in jeans and a t-shirt and she was sure Puck would like to as well, but instead they were stuck in formal attire.
They took some quick photos and were on their way to prom.
"You know the rules, right?" Santana looked at the two teenagers.
"Yes. No sex and no grinding. No drinking beer and avoid the spiked punch. Don't smoke and if anything goes wrong we have to go find you." Avery rolled his eyes. Leave it to Santana to be set rules before they even entered the building.
They parked the car.
"Have fun you two." Marissa and Avery went to find their friends.
"Ah, Prom, where teenagers come to spike the punch and grind on their girlfriends." Puck smiled
"Don't forget the crying girls in the bathroom. There's always one." Santana commented.
The room was filled with teenagers dancing and some not so appropriately.
"Remember when we use to grind at parties?"
"Oh yea. That was so fun and then we had the best fucking sex ever."
"Those were good times." Puck chuckled
"Yup." They watched as a woman broke the kids up.
"She's a buzzkill." Puck whispered. Santana nodded. They separated and walked around making sure nobody was something inappropriate.
She went to the bathroom to make sure they weren't smoking in the bathroom. She stumbled upon the crying girl. She inwardly sighed. She was hoping she wouldn't have to deal with the crying girl, but now there was turning back.
"Are you okay?" She kneeled down next to her.
"I'm fine." She nodded.
"You're crying. Something is definitely wrong. Spill it."
"My boyfriend broke up with me." She sobbed. Santana patted her shoulder.
"Wow, what a jerk. I'm sorry."
"I know right! I don't deserve this!"
"Did you come with some friends?"
"A few."
"Go hang out with them."
"They all have boyfriends."
"Doesn't matter. You can have fun and be the third wheel."
"I suppose." She smiled.
"See, now go out there and have some fun." Santana wiped the girl's tears away.
"Thanks." She fixed her makeup and hugged Santana.
"You're welcome. Go out there and have some fun."
"I will. By the way, I love your music." The girl walked. Santana sighed. At least the crying girl situation was fixed. She went back outside.
She went over to Puck.
"So far, I've seen two kids grind, one girl pull some other girls hair and one full out make out session. I also drank some spiked punch."
"I just dealt with the crying girl."
"How'd that go?"
"Quite well." She smiled.
"Have you seen Marissa and Avery?"
"Nope, but they're probably on the dance floor somewhere." They looked over at the crowd of kids dancing. Santana spotted Marissa and Avery dancing and laughing. Santana smiled. They were so cute together. It was adorable.
"Gather round people! Prom King and Queen announcement." They teenagers made their way to the center. They announced the nominees. They announced the prom king first and then the prom queen. It was the typical winner. The head cheerleader and the quarterback. Santana rolled her eyes. They began their slow dance.
"This is actual kind of fun. It feels like we're going to prom as well."
"Yea. Our prom wasn't so fun. You were the anti prom king. I lost prom queen to Berry and I didn't have a date. I hated that prom with a passion. It was horrible."
"Well, this is our chance to have a proper prom night. Would you like to dance?"
"I would love to." They made their way to the dance floor. Santana put her head on Puck's shoulder. "This is nice."
"It is. I feel like I'm 18 again."
"I do too. It's like as if this was actually our night. Like you were my date and we both danced together. Like we actually did spend the night together and we felt like we would never get old or grow up. Like this moment is the only one that mattered."
"Like we were the only ones that mattered. It was only us and the outside world." Puck understood was Santana was saying.
"I'm going to remember this forever."
"I love you, Santana. I'm glad you're the one I married."
"I love you too." Santana kissed him. It was a long passionate kiss. When they broke apart, they just looked into each other's eyes.
It wasn't their prom, but it was their night.

Hola! Isn't this cute! I hope I can have a prom night like this. Hope y'all have a great day!
~LintheskywithDiamonds 💎🌟💫

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