Chapter two

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Hey Koi soups I've edited the second chapter please let know if this read better afterward. Thanks again for trying my story and enjoy. By the ways, the picture is of Katherine.

Nicholas's POV

Two Weeks Ago

Am I really doing this?

There is no going back now. I'm sitting in my car parked a block away from Katherine's apartment building. Waiting to get a glimpse of her when she goes to work.

I've moved back to New York City. It's been about a month now. I've investigated Katherine's past. The years since I left all those years ars ago. It's how I know where she lives.

Another person would have gone to knock on her door but I want to watch from a distance without her knowing. Its been so long since I last saw her I'm a bit nervous to see her up close so soon and I don't care  to things the normal way either.

How can I when I've missed her so much?

I've imagined this day so many times, being able to see my bestfriend again after so long. I came to when I see Katherine walking out the front entrance. My eyes take in the face I've long to see.

As I stare at her matured features I can't help but come out the car. My eyes are covered with a pair of sunglasses so when Katherine turn to me, she doesn't see the shock in my eyes.

We stare at each other. Katherine from where she stood and I beside the car.

Katherine looks around then her gaze met mine, like she's trying to see if I'm looking at her or someone else.

How is she even more beautiful since I last saw her?

The picture the private investigator took didn't do her justice. Katherine's curly hair is just like I remembered but now it's longer flowing down her back. Her chocolate brown eyes met forest green covered by glasses.

She stood at 5'5 now. Taller than the short girl from elementary school. Katherine's golden skin glows. My eyes can't help but wander downward to her lips. I watch as she bites them while still looking at me.

If I wasn't running low on time I'd go over there and talk to her. Get reacquainted with my childhood friend.  I have a meeting with the COOs in a half hour.

Taking one last long look at Katherine, I get in the car and drive away.


Katherine's reunion dinner is in a hour. I'm already dressed in suit tailored perfectly. I plan to meet her there tonight. It's been long over dur for an introduction and I can't wait to see her up close for the first time since I was ten.

I go into the  garage and climbed in the Lamborghini. The destination is the location of Katherine's reunion dinner.
Leaving I speed to the restaurant. When  I arrive its almost impossible to find parking in the small crowded lot. So I drives down a bit more and park at another restaurant in the other direction. I come out the car smoothing out my suit and ruffling my locks.

I didn't percieved I'd be this nervous.

I starts walking towards the restuarant. It's not a long walk because of my long legs. Pretty soon I see it coming into view. But as I gets closer a few feets away I also see Katherine walking towards it. She's wearing a simple black dress. Her hair is a tousle of curls blowing around in the winter wind.

Katherine doesn't notice me and I use it to my dvantage. Picking up the pace I syep in front her. She looks up where he stand in her space. Looking like the beautiful goddess I remember only older.

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