Bonus Chapter 2

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Hey Koi Soups the picture above is the cover for the new rewrite of Intoxicated With You. I started posting it. Please check it out if you're interested. Also I've been working on another story which I randomly started posting chapters for as well. I have so many story ideas. I'm thinking its going to be a three book series. The first book is titled 'Her Dreamcatcher.' I came up with the idea because I'm a little stuck on my direction for 'The Insecure Beauty' right now so I'm hoping starting something new will help. I'll post the summary for Her Dreamcatcher at the end of this chapter. Thank you Koi Soups for all the support on my first book on wattpad. I'm so thankful to all my Koi Soups. Sorry for the long tangent. Enjoy

Nicholas's POV

"Kitten are you ready to admit it now that I was right about Naliya being a girl."

She literally just continues breastfeeding and ignores me. Kitten sat on our bed with her back against the headboard.

We've been home for a few days now since Naliya's birth. With each day she starting to look more like her mother. Naliya is a patient baby, she isn't really fussy. Its only when she's hungry does her temperament change.

I laid on the opposite side of the bed, on my side facing my wife feeding our baby girl. The sight made me feel so proud of this woman I started a family with, seeing her hold Naliya as she suckled on her nipple.

Something about watching it made me happy but also a little jealous. Naliya's lips latched on tight. She wouldn't let go soon until she's ready for a nap.

I wonder what her milk taste like?

Probably good by the way Naliya is sucking away.

I just watch them looking at Kitten and my baby girl. She's the most important thing in this world to me. I didn't realize until she was born what it's like to have you whole world revolve around someone until Naliya.

Of course its that way with my wife but now that I'm a father  its different with Naliya.

I can't even begin to explain how much I've changed since Naliya entered my life. Whenever I look at her It's amazing to think Kitten and I made something so precious, something so beautiful.

She's my whole world. I don't know what I'm going to do when she's older and has to leave our nest and venture out into the world. I don't know what I'll do if someone ever hurts Naliya in anyway.

Probably worst than I did to Scott.

I hope nothing bad ever happens to my baby, for that person will receive a world of hurt.

Kitten gets off the bed and place Naliya into her crib. Naliya must have fallen alseep. I watch her gently put her down and she comes back on the bed, lays on top of my chest.

Immediately I start playing with her curls and she snuggles up into me.

"Kitten I love."

"I love you too Nicholas."

She pulls up and kiss me. Smiling down at me with so much light and love. How did I get so lucky?

When I moved back to New York I never thought it would turn out like this. Us getting married, having a family, living together. But it did, even though with a few struggles along the way.

I'm mesmerized by Kitten's warm brown eyes. Her bouncy curls falling around my face. I pull her back down to me holding her extra close.

"Love let's make another baby."

"Nicholas don't you think it's a little too soon? Naliya isn't even one yet."

She has a point.

"I want to time with Naliya as she grows up before we have another little one. Maybe in two to four more years we'll have another baby."

"Remember you said it." I say to her.

Kitten only nods pulling me closer against her. Her soft body molds perfectly to my hard muscled one. I hold her waist.

So in two to four years. I can wait...

Just a short little bonus chapter. Press the star if you like it. Here's the summary of Her Dreamcatcher...

From age thirteen Eliaine Michaels has felt a presence lurking whenever she dreamt at night. Each time she dreams a bad dream Eliaine sensed someone was there taking the fear away absorbing her nightmare. It's been like this for so long, Eliaine does not remember ever having dreams that weren't good.

One night while heading home Eliaine is robbed but before she can be harmed, she's rescued my a handsome stranger name, Obsidian Agate. That night when Eliaine goes to sleep she meets for the first time the one who's been controlling her dreams.

He tells her in seven days he will come for her and she must leave with him because she's his dream mate. Obsidian warns Eliaine if she does not go with him they will both start to face terrible consequences in their dreams. If one of them dies in a dream, the other will lose their soul.

Follow Eliaine and Obsidian on their adventure through their dreams to find love, while fighting forces that try to tear them apart from their destiny.

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