Chapter thirty four

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The next chapter is the epilogue and last one. I know I'll miss Katherine and Nicholas once I finish writing.
But everything must come to an end.
The music is Taemin - rise.

Katherine's POV

"Are you sure you can do this love?"

Nicholas, and I stood outide the court room. Him holding me close. Giving me one last chance to change my mind before it's too late. Today I'll testify against Scott as the victim and witness.
I want to, no I need to do this. It'll be like pulling off the bandaid on an old wound. I have to do this to get closure so I can move on with Nicholas.


He kissed my forehead and takes my hand. We went silently into the court room. I sat next to Nicholas behind the prosecutor. Nicholas holds my hand allowing his thump to glide over my clenched fist. I know he's worried about me being in the same room with him.

Worried I'll get stressed because it not good for me and the baby. But I'll be okay. I'll be less stressed after this is dealt with. Nicholas understands so he didn't discourage me.

When Scott is finally led into the room by security. I felt my chest tense up as my heart rate quickened. I wasn't afraid  he'll harm me because it'll never happen again, not after today. But I can't control how my heart speeds up at the sight of him. Scott stares into the audience and smiles when he finds me. I stared at him straight on because I'm not afraid. He doesn't have power over me anymore. After today he'll spend the rest of his life in a dark cell.


"The court would like to call Katherine White to the stand."

Hearing my name I went to sworen in, to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. After I sit in the stand I seek out Nicholas's gaze to keep my nerves at bay. He winks at me. I don't look at Scott where he is on my left.

"Ms. White can you describe what happened on the night of January 17th?"

I can and I do in great detail. It's the night Scott kidnapped me at the high school. I describe everything from him hitting me over the head, tying me naked in the motel, then preceding to cut me all over. I went on to explain how Nicholas came to save me.

"Ms. White is this your first encounter with Scott O'Hurn before?"


"Please explain ma'am." Says my  lawyer.

I looked over to Nicholas and his familar forest green eyes gives me strength to carry on.

"When I was around twelve years old, Scott raped me and weeks later he kidnapped me for three days. I don't remember everything he did because from the traumatic experience I've forgotten those memories, but I learn recently after my fiancee investigated I was in a coma for six months when I ran away from Scott."

I turned my eyes to my lap. I didn't want to see the pity in anyone's eyes because I don't want pity. What I want now is justice. I want Scott to be held accountable for what he's done in the past and now. For the emotional suffering and mental strain as a result of his evil deeds.

"That will be all Ms. White. You may return to your seat."

I went back beside my future husband and hold his hand. We watched the rest of the trial and wait for the verdict.


"The defendant Scott O'Hurn is sentenced to life in prison, no parole."

Immediately Nicholas hugs me. We stayed like that for a second until my mom and dad came over. "Sweet pea its over now. He can't ever hurt you again."

"I know dad. It's finally over."

We left the court house with Nicholas holding my hand, mom and dad trailing behind us. I have this sense of relief, like three hundred pounds of weight, nightmare lifted from my shoulders. Finally at last I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Scott will never harm me again.

Even though I don't fully remember what happened when I was kidnapped those three days, I'm okay with not knowing everything. Some things from the past should remain in the past. I know enough to know whatever he did is enough for me to forget him and Nicholas. So maybe its good it stays forgotten. No use opening a can of spoiled beans.

I got Nicholas back and that's all that matters to me. I got my justice, so I'll be okay now.

This Chapter isn't the last. The next chapter is the epilogue. Comment what you all think. I'll post it soon.

Thank you guys for reading this story. Thank you for all your comments and feedback I have received throughout this journey. I've been writing books for a long time, but Intoxicated with you is the first one I ever finished because half way through I usually get bored and stop writing.

When I first started writing this on wattpad I didn't thnk anyone would read it or get interested in this story. But all my previous expectations weren't broken by you guys support. So thank you for rising my confidence in my writing and the stories I will tell in the future. Lastly the next chapter will be much longer.

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