Chapter nine

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I just wanted to say thank you guys for all the love on this book. I love all the comments and I'm sorry for the long wait on the update. The picture is what Katherine's wearing on the date. Hope you guys enjoy, happy reading. :)

Nicholas' POV

In the kitchen, I finish plating all the food consisting of shrimp scampi, and a Greek-themed salad. Nothing too fancy, just a simple meal I hope kitten will like. Looking at the double servings of everything, I hope I served enough because I wasn't sure how to portion everything but I made more than enough just in case. She's in the dining room sitting at the table because I didn't want her to peek and ruin the surprise. Picking up the plates I place them on a large tray and head into the next room.

Katherine looks up from her cell phone as she notices my presence and pears up at the tray in my hand. Putting it safely on the table, I place out the plates of food and utensils - all the while taking in the reaction on her beautiful face. As soon as the pasta is placed in front of her, Katherine's eyes widen from what I hope is from liking what she sees.

"Nicholas Everything looks delicious and smells great. I can't wait to dig in."
Katherine says once she looks at the food.

"I'll be right back I forgot the wine and the glasses. Feel free to start eating."

I head back to the kitchen, to grab two wine glasses and the bottle of red wine that was chilled while I prepared the food. Taking a seat across katherine, I pour us each a glass of wine and hand her a glass.

"Thank you" she says.

"Why aren't you eating?" I ask.

"I thought it'd be rude of me not to wait after you made all this food."

I smile at her, she's so caring and thoughtful about others.

"I wouldn't have thought you were being rude."

"I know," she says.

"let's eat" I tell her and begin eating the salad confirming it had the right amount of dressing.

Not too much drowning the leaves of romaine and all the other vegetables in the bowl. Katherine begins eating the pasta first, lets out a moan after tasting her first bite. The sound incited my libido from imagining if she'll sound the same when I'm buried deep inside her. Our first time, while she begs for me to make her cum.

Stop being a pervert thinking about sex, while you're eating.

The voice in my head says. Pushing the images away, I focus on eating and the most beautiful woman in front of me. I move onto the pasta and finish before katherine is even halfway done eating hers, she's a slow eater. But because of this, I enjoy the view of her pink lips as she chews sexily. I lean back after drinking all my glass of wine, crossing my hands together and watch katherine eat.

Her lips move as she chews and I start to get turned on. She sucks up the extra long pasta that hangs out her mouth making me jealous of the noodle. Katherine looks sexy eating as she licks the excess sauce from the corner of her lips, with the tip of her tongue.

I think I might have just come a little at the sight of that.

Once she's finished eating the pasta Katherine moves onto the salad. She eats a few more bites and then drinks the glass until its empty. After wipes her mouth with a napkin and then licks her lips slowly causing my dick to bulge out in my pant and push against my zipper.

"Nicholas that was so delicious, probably the best pasta I've ever had."

"I'm glad you liked it."

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