Chapter 2

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Gravel crunches heavily under my feet as I lug my heavy text books home. The heavy wind makes a mess of my hair and blows brown tangled strands across my face.The civilian school I attend is only a twenty minute walk away from home, the Chi clan's compound. These walks are  unbearable only on hot days. 

 My father died when I was only five years old. It' s been six years since he was murdered, and I can still remember the bloodstains that covered my bedroom walls. They had to be cleaned up after my father's body was removed, but it didn't help ease my mind one bit.

Mother had informed me that not even the best ninjas sent to investigate the attack couldn't crack the case. Perhaps it had been a mistake, because father was a good man. There is no way he would be attacked on purpose.

Relief practically exudes from me as I finally see the clan compound. It's only a street away. In a random burst of energy, I begin to run, but it comes out as a sluggish jog. My textbooks and back pack slow me down too much for me to run properly. I just give up and walk slowly, not seeing the point in running anymore. With this weight on me, it made it impossible for me to do anything. I bet a ninja could do almost anything with this weight. They can probably move at speeds invisible to the naked eye and can probably carry people twice their size on their backs.

I've always wanted to be a ninja. My mother had once been a kunoichi. My father had been a shinobi when he was still alive. I ,too, wanted the ability to protect my family, just like father protected me and Rayne. I understand that being a ninja can be unbearable, and I am still willing to train to become one. I've asked mother for permission to enroll at the academy countless times over the past six years , but she continues to reject my requests.

I force a smile on my face but let it fall when I realize its sad and watery. I sigh and continue my trek home. I'd get mother to let me go to the academy one of these days.

I slow down when I hear the pounding of gravel behind me. I frown. Geez, it sounds like a herd. I stop walking completely and turn around, curious as to whom is causing such a racket. I see a blur of blue and black coming in my direction, a boy, who seemed to be running away from a herd of wild girls.

My eyes widen as I realize they're fan girls. It's common knowledge in civilian schools that these girls are like mindless animals and wouldn't hesitate to trample over anything or anyone in their way . I struggle to run forward with my books slowing me down. The entrance to the Chi  clan's compound was only a few buildings away. I crane my head around and panic at their proximity.

The herd doesn't seem to notice me, the girl with the giant red back pack and a load of huge textbooks in arms, running right in front of them. I crane my head around. "Fuck," I hiss under my breath. They're closing in on me. "Now!" I yell at myself as I lunge sideways to my right, right into the entrance of the compound. With eyes squeezed shut, I feel the impact take my breath away and my right arm and leg explode in pain.

I stand up shakily and inspect my arm. It was scraped and blood oozes out, already running down my arm. A whole bunch of tiny pebbles were engraved into the cuts, making it hurt more. I shrug my backpack off carefully and sit on it, using it as a stool as I roll up my pant's leg, which was now riddled holes and blood. My leg has the same injuries as my arm, just on a larger scale. I wanted so badly to scream at the girls, but it would just be a waste of energy. Fan girls are dangerous and should be banned from even existing, I think angrily to myself. But, at least I'm safe now.

I bite on my lip as I roll my pants back down. I recollect myself and my school stuff and slightly limp home. I sigh heavily. Today is officially a bad day. First, the teacher at school gave us students an assignment in which we must write something about each of our parents. I'd be writing in past tense for father. Then there's this. Oh well, it could be worse. I mean, at least I still have one parent. There are kids younger than me that don't have any parents and have never met them.

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