Chapter 6

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The picture is of Kai. The left eye is supposed to be red. I don't own neither the image nor the video. And I don't own Naruto or its characters, only my own characters and plot.

The kunai hits the red and white target at dead center with a soft thunk. I try not to embarrass myself by leaving my mouth hanging open, but I can't wipe  away the amazed look on my face as Iruka- Sensei expertly throws his ninja tools at a small target pinned to a tree. I have already humiliated myself enough in one day, and I don't want to seem like an even bigger idiot to my peers. 


When I had walked into the academy, the first thing that I had seen was a lady slouching in a chair behind a receptionist desk, filing her bright red nails despite them already being in perfect shape. Her curled light brown hair and big green eyes had made her seem friendly. I was wrong to assume that seeing as though  she merely glanced in my direction with a frown and focused back on her nails when I had walked up to her. 

Frowning, I had cleared my throat loudly to catch her attention. The lady had sighed loudly and looked up at me with clear irritation drawn on her features. A crease that appeared on her forehead when she pulled her eyebrows together allowed me to notice that she had quite a few layers of make up on. From farther away, it had looked flawless.Even so, she was still quite pretty. "Yes?" she asked, her toned bored and uncaring, like someone so used to unwanted attention that she simply ignores everyone and anyone. 

"I'm new here," I said in the polite way that my mother would have wanted me to speak. "I was wondering what class I'm in."

She sighed again. "Do you know which year your supposed to be attending?"Finally, 

I think back to a conversation I had with my mother. "The one that graduates this year," I  replied.

"It will be down that hall, last door to the right," she said, pointing her finger down the hall to my left. 

"Thanks," I say, walking away slowly and forcing my irritated self not to roll my eyes. The last door on the right was just as plain as all the other doors, and I force myself to knock after gathering my nerves. 

A  tall man with short black hair opens the door, the teacher I presume. He eyes me warily with queer eyes, one a bright red  and the other a bright blue, as I peek over his shoulder into the classroom. To my great embarrassment, I only see a large group of six year old looking kids. This was definitely not the right classroom. It would be mortifying to be the only eleven year old in a classroom full of what seemed to be six year olds.

 "I think I've been to led to the wrong classroom, " I say with a burning face.  A few of the kids closer to the door snickered, making me feel even more embarrassed. The teacher's face breaks out into friendly smile that catches me off guard. 

"My name is Kai-sensei, I think I may be able to help. Do you know what class your supposed to be in?" he asks. 

"The one that graduates this year," I say, relieved that I might get some useful information. 

He suddenly looks me in the eyes with such a serious expression that I feel my stomach drop. "Are you sure? Because that's my class," he says in a concerned turn, with a frown on his face. I look at him with wide eyes and a flaming face. What could I have gotten wrong? Did I hear something incorrectly? Or maybe-   

My thoughts are interrupted by the teacher's obnoxious laughter. I frown as I realize he was joking, and seriously thinking this man was the worst person who could help me. "I'm sorry," he says, pausing to let air into his lungs. He had been laughing so hard that he was practically rolling on the floor. "I- I just couldn't l-let that pass. I've always wanted to try that on a new student. " He finally composes himself.  "The graduating class is the first door on the right of this hall. It's the one closest to the secretary's desk. "

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